Can you take CBD and Bupropion together?

Can you take CBD and Bupropion together?

It is not generally recommended to take CBD and Bupropion together. The concomitant use of these two is associated with potential health risks, but the exact outcomes are not fully known because of a lack of research on this very topic. 

However, experts have indicated that CBD (Cannabidiol) can affect the enzymes responsible for the hepatic metabolism of Bupropion which can either increase or decrease the amount of this antidepressant in your body (1). 

Potential side effects of taking CBD and Bupropion together

Since CBD prolongs the duration of action of Bupropion, it can not only affect the therapeutic efficacy of Bupropion but can also increase the risk of side effects caused by the antidepressant. Common side effects of Bupropion are (2):

So, it is not recommended to use CBD and Bupropion together, at least not without proper monitoring. If your healthcare provider adjusts the dose of either CBD or Bupropion for you and it seems to work just fine, you can use the two together. 

However, it is still advised to not use these two meds together and if they are used, you need to visit your doctor frequently for proper monitoring. 

What to do if you have used CBD and Bupropion together and you feel unwell?

If you have taken CBD and Bupropion together and you feel unusual, please call your local medical emergency helpline. The intensity of side effects can depend on the doses of these medications taken. 

Since both of these can affect your brain and CBD can enhance the effects of Bupropion, higher doses can cause disturbing and life-threatening side effects in some individuals. This is why if you have taken a higher dose of these two together, please seek medical attention right away.

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Meissner H, Cascella M. Cannabidiol (CBD). 2022 Nov 21. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 32310508. Available from:


Huecker MR, Smiley A, Saadabadi A. Bupropion. 2022 Dec 15. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 29262173. Available from:

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