Does Wellbutrin-induced dizziness go away? 

Does Wellbutrin-induced dizziness go away? 

Yes, Wellbutrin-induced dizziness does start to get better with time, as your body adjusts to this antidepressant. Dizziness is quite common in new users and around 20-23% of people report this side effect. 

Some may feel dizzy when they lie down or stand up too quickly, or some people may constantly feel lightheaded. Either way, this side effect doesn’t stay for too long in most cases, and it gets better within a few weeks. 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on Wellbutrin-induced dizziness. However, it is listed as one of the most common early side effects of Wellbutrin. Researchers have inducted that this usually happens with new users because their bodies are not used to the effects of Wellbutrin (1).

According to several surveys, dizziness caused by Wellbutrin is generally not a health concern and it starts to get better with time. It may also be triggered because of Wellbutrin-induced insomnia. However, a few individuals may not tolerate these side effects which can lead to drug discontinuation. 

What to do if Wellbutrin causes dizziness? 

It’s always best to consult your healthcare provider regarding any of the Wellbutrin-induced side effects. Early dizziness caused by Wellbutrin is usually nothing to worry about and your doctor will tell you the same. 

He/she may ask you to limit your caffeine intake if you’re a heavy consumer of coffee. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol while you’re being treated with Wellbutrin or any other antidepressant, or literally any other medication that can affect your brain. 

Alcohol and psych meds never pair well together, and dizziness in this combination should be the least of your concerns. You can also try taking Wellbutrin at night to avoid feeling dizzy during the daytime. 

If you’re new to this antidepressant and you’re not sure how it makes you feel, I don’t recommend engaging in any activity that requires your full mental alertness, like driving or operating heavy machinery. 

Once you know which side effects are common in your case, you can adjust the timing of your antidepressant with the help of your doctor to mitigate most of the side effects. Make sure you don’t stop taking Wellbutrin without consulting your doctor first. 

It is also important to note that Wellbutrin may cause more pronounced side effects when combined with other medications that can also affect your brain, including:

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 444, Bupropion; [cited 2023 Feb 23]. Available from:

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