Does Wellbutrin cause body odour? (5+ tips)

In this article, we will discuss whether Wellbutrin (bupropion) causes body odour as a side effect or not. We will also discuss what research suggests on this, the potential link between Wellbutrin and body odour, factors which may contribute to body odour while taking Wellbutrin and tips for managing and reducing it while on Wellbutrin.

Does Wellbutrin cause body odour?

No, Wellbutrin does not directly cause body odour as a side effect. However, excessive sweating from antidepressants like Wellbutrin is commonly reported. This may be the indirect cause leading to the body odour from bupropion. (1)

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is commonly prescribed to help people with major depressive disorder and those who are struggling with quitting smoking, it works as an aid for smoking cessation by balancing the levels of some neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically dopamine and norepinephrine. (1,3)

If you’re experiencing body odour with excessive sweating from the use of antidepressants, before consulting your doctor first try to maintain good hygiene by bathing daily and use deodorants or antiperspirants. If the odour persists and it’s bothering you consult with your doctor.

What is the potential link between Wellbutrin and body odour?

Wellbutrin, an antidepressant, works by blocking the reabsorption of certain chemicals in the brain, called norepinephrine and dopamine. Increased levels of norepinephrine may be involved in the over-activation of your sweat glands, leading to too much sweating and potentially causing body odour because of it. (1)

However, it’s important to keep in mind that people are unique in terms of their brain chemistry and they may react differently to medications. It’s not necessary if one person taking Wellbutrin is experiencing this side effect of body odour, the other person will experience it too. (2)

Other factors can also contribute to body odour like genetic changes or hormonal issues. So if you’re concerned about body odour or any other bothersome side effects related to the use of Wellbutrin, it’s best to discuss this with your doctor. (2)

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on excessive sweating and body odour from Wellbutrin (bupropion) usage. However, it is believed that the mechanism by which Wellbutrin works might indirectly be responsible for body odour.

Dopamine and norepinephrine are two main neurotransmitters which are affected by Wellbutrin in the brain. The increased levels of norepinephrine are considered to be involved in the hyperactivation of sweat glands in a person, leading to excessive sweating which indirectly induces body odour. (3)

Using antidepressants like Wellbutrin can sometimes cause a common side effect in some individuals called antidepressant-induced excessive sweating (ADIES). According to a clinical study its occurrence is estimated to be 4-22% in the population. This is the indirect cause that some people taking antidepressants may have body odour which is still manageable. (3)

What factors may lead to body odour while taking Wellbutrin?

While body odour is not a commonly reported side effect of Wellbutrin, there are several other factors which might contribute to the changes in your body odour, including: (1,5)

Increased sweating: 

Wellbutrin like some other antidepressants (eg, Lexapro), may cause an increase in sweating as a side effect. The combination of sweat and environmental bacteria on your skin can change how you smell.

Individual variability: 

People react differently to medications and what affects one person does not necessarily affect another person. Some individuals are more sensitive and they may experience changes in their body odour while taking Wellbutrin.

Hygiene practices:

Hygiene plays a very crucial role in maintaining body odour. Regular showers or bathing and the use of antiperspirants and deodorants are very important. If a person is not maintaining proper hygiene, this can lead to changes in body odour. (5)

Diet and lifestyle: 

Diet and lifestyle factors also influence how you smell to a significant level. There are certain foods, beverages and other lifestyle choices which may contribute to the changes in body odour.

Underlying health conditions: 

Some underlying health conditions like thyroid disease or Diabetes can also influence the changes in your body odour. So it’s important to identify if these unrelated factors to Wellbutrin are contributing to body odour. (4)

What are the tips for managing body odour while on Wellbutrin?

If you’re concerned about your body odour while taking Wellbutrin, here are some tips and hygiene practices you might consider: (4,5,6)

Regular bathing or showering: Ensure that you’re showering or bathing regularly to keep your body fresh and clean. You can use a mild soap or cleanser to wash off the dirt, bacteria and sweat on your skin. 

Use antiperspirant or deodorant: Apply a safe deodorant or antiperspirant that does not change the pH of your skin. It will control your sweat and make you smell good. 

Choose light fabrics: Consider wearing clothes made up of light fabrics like cotton, so air can circulate and prevent sweat buildup.

Stay hydrated: Stay hydrated by drinking enough water. This can help regulate your body temperature and reduce odour.

Watch your diet: Certain foods can make your body odour stronger like onion, garlic and spicy foods. Try to avoid them and adjust your diet. 

Practice stress management: Stress can make you sweat more. Include some relaxing techniques into your daily routine like inhaling or exhaling deep breaths to calm yourself. Yoga and meditation also help to relax your mind and body. 

Consult healthcare provider: If you’re still experiencing persistent body odour after trying all the above tips, consult with your healthcare provider. They might consider adjusting your dose or adjusting your treatment plan as needed. 

Consider alternative medications: If body odour remains a significant and bothersome issue, your doctor might explore alternative antidepressants with fewer side effects or they may give you antiperspirant medications along with your regular antidepressant, like Drysol, Xerac AC or Qbrexza. (6)

As a pharmacist, In my perspective, Wellbutrin does not directly cause changes in your body odour. If a patient experiences or reports this side effect, there is a large possibility window that other underlying conditions or factors unrelated to the drug might be responsible for it. 

In my opinion, just stick to your recommended dose at the appropriate time and try maintaining basic hygiene practices like showering and deodorants. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not eat spicy foods, also engage yourself in relaxation techniques to reduce stress as much as possible. If the concerning side effects persist anyhow, then reach out to your doctor. 

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