Does Wellbutrin cause serotonin syndrome? (6+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Wellbutrin causes serotonin syndrome as a side effect or not. We will also explore what research suggests on this, the link between serotonin syndrome and Wellbutrin, symptoms and diagnosis of serotonin syndrome, risk factors and precautions associated with it. 

Does Wellbutrin cause serotonin syndrome?

Wellbutrin (bupropion) can cause serotonin syndrome if taken in higher doses. However, it is an atypical antidepressant that has nothing to do with serotonin fluctuation, but when the doses are high or given in combination with other medications like SSRIs or SNRIs, it can affect the levels of serotonin. (1)

Wellbutrin works by balancing the levels of certain chemicals in your brain specifically norepinephrine and dopamine. It is commonly prescribed for people who are suffering from seasonal affective disorder and major depressive disorder, with a little help in smoking cessation too. (1)

Serotonin syndrome may be considered a life-threatening condition which is followed by excessive accumulation of serotonin in the brain. It is a neurotransmitter, involved in many important physiological functions along with regulating your emotions. It improves mood and boosts motivation in a depressive or anxious person. (2)

If you’re concerned with the impact of Wellbutrin on serotonin levels or sense any concerning symptoms related to it, it’s best to inform your doctor promptly.

How does Wellbutrin cause serotonin syndrome?

There is no direct connection between Wellbutrin and serotonin syndrome. This antidepressant only works by blocking the reabsorption of specific chemicals in the brain, particularly norepinephrine and dopamine, with minimal or no impact on serotonin levels. (1)

However, Wellbutrin may be given in combination therapy with some other antidepressants like SSRIs or SNRIs to treat various depression and anxiety-related problems. Both of these classes of antidepressants significantly increase the levels of serotonin in the brain by blocking its reabsorption, leading to serotonin syndrome. (4)

It’s important to keep in mind that people’s reactions to medications are different, thus the risk of interactions while taking combination therapy should be kept into consideration. 

What does research suggest?

According to a research study, a 15-year-old boy was brought to the hospital with uncontrollable seizures especially in his ankles, high blood pressure, enlarged pupils, confusion and restlessness. He was also hallucinating and his mouth was dry upon examination. (3)

The doctors gave him IV fluids and Lorazepam to help his restlessness. Upon his blood and urine screening, they found the presence of naproxen and bupropion. The levels of bupropion in his blood were way higher than normal. The doctors withdrew bupropion levels from his blood and gave him more fluids. (3)

After 24 hours, the boy woke with normal vitals. This showed that bupropion alone, not combined with other antidepressants has also caused serotonin syndrome, similar cases have been reported 3 times, hence the occurrence is very rare but possible. (3)

What are the symptoms of serotonin syndrome?

Some of the commonly occurring symptoms of serotonin syndrome include: (2)

  • Agitation or restlessness
  • Confusion and disrientation
  • Dilated pupils (pupils may become larger than normal)
  • Rapid heart  rate (tachycardia)
  • Tremors or muscle twitching
  • Muscle rigidity (stiffness)
  • Excessive sweating
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shivering or goosebumps
  • Diarrhea
  • High blood pressure

If you sense any above-mentioned symptoms while taking Wellbutrin, inform your healthcare provider right away.

What factors contribute to the risk of serotonin syndrome?

Several factors may contribute to the increased risk of developing serotonin syndrome, these include: (4)

Combining serotonin-enhancing medications: If you take a combination of medications that significantly affect serotonin levels like SSRIs (fluvoxamine), SNRIs, tricyclic antidepressants TCAs and monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIs, it increases the risk of developing serotonin syndrome.

New medications or dose changes: If you start a new medication that affects serotonin levels or change the dose of your current medication, these changes may lead to a fluctuation in your serotonin levels.

Polypharmacy: If you’re taking multiple medications that may impact serotonin levels simultaneously, this may enhance the risk. Not only prescription medications are included in this but also herbal and over-the-counter medications.

Drug Interactions: Some medications when taken together may interact with each other and increase the levels of serotonin. This is more likely with the drugs that slow down your medication’s metabolism process.

Illicit drug use: Some drugs that people use for recreational purposes like hallucinogens and ecstasy, can increase serotonin and may lead to serotonin syndrome.

Herbal supplements: Even some of the herbal medications that you might be taking like St, John’s wort, can elevate the serotonin levels and may lead to the syndrome. (5)

Medical conditions: Certain health problems like if you have any neurological syndrome or conditions that affect your metabolism, can influence the risk of developing serotonin syndrome.

Individual variability: Some people might be more sensitive to medicine or they carry genes that make serotonin syndrome more likely for them.

Keep in mind that it’s very crucial to tell your doctor about all the medications and herbal supplements you’re taking, so they can evaluate if there is any potential drug interaction between them which might be harmful.

How to diagnose serotonin syndrome?

To figure out if someone is having serotonin syndrome, doctors go for the following diagnostic approaches: (6)

  • Clinical evaluation: The doctor will assess you to look for any signs and symptoms that occur during serotonin syndrome which are mentioned above in the article.
  • Medical history: The doctor will ask you about the medications you have been taking in the past, your current medications or any herbal supplements you might be taking. They will review the list to find out if any medication is related to increased serotonin levels.
  • Elimination of other causes: To rule out that the symptoms are not caused by any other underlying condition, they will run some tests, as some symptoms of serotonin syndrome can mimic other medical conditions. 
  • Observation: Sometimes, especially when the diagnosis is not clear, the doctor will probably keep the patient in observation to monitor the symptoms and see how things develop.
  • Criteria for diagnosis: Certain rules and criteria help doctors decide if it’s serotonin syndrome or not, like Sternbach criteria that guide the diagnosis.

What to do if you experience Wellbutrin-induced serotonin syndrome?

If you sense that Wellbutrin is causing you strange symptoms and you’re feeling unwell, here’s what you should do: (6)

Stop taking Wellbutrin: If you suspect that Wellbutrin is causing issues stop taking it. However, don’t stop it abruptly and without consulting your doctor as it may lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Seek emergency medical help: Since the symptoms of serotonin syndrome are quite severe and life-threatening, approach the emergency department of your nearest hospital. 

Inform healthcare providers: When you go to the hospital, make sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you’ve been taking or using currently. Also, inform them about all the bothersome symptoms you have been experiencing. 

Follow medical advice: Ensure to follow the advice and treatment given by your doctor carefully. Do not do anything on your own like stopping the medication or changing its dose. 

How to withdraw an overdose of Wellbutrin to avoid serotonin toxicity?

If you have taken an overdose of Wellbutrin or any other medication, seek medical help immediately as time is crucial to avoid toxicity. Your doctor might perform a gastric lavage procedure on you to withdraw the remains of the drug.

Gastric lavage is a very useful medical procedure that involves cleaning out the stomach, either before abdomen surgery or in case of a drug overdose. It’s done using a tube that goes through the nose or mouth into the stomach. A liquid which is usually salt water solution is passed through the stomach and then sucked out along with the stomach contents.

As a pharmacist, In my opinion, Wellbutrin is a safe and well-tolerated medication and has shown promising results in the patients who take it for their depression and anxiety-related problems. However, time-to-time monitoring is essential to keep an eye on your therapeutic outcome and risk profile. 

Serotonin syndrome-related cases are not very common with Wellbutrin, but it’s important to keep in mind that people are unique in terms of their brain chemistry and the way their body responds to certain medications. So it’s important to seek guidance from your doctor in this matter and be vigilant about your body changes.

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