Does Wellbutrin cause bloating and weight gain? 

Does Wellbutrin cause bloating and weight gain? 

Yes, Wellbutrin can cause bloating, but weight gain is not common with Wellbutrin. In fact, this antidepressant can help you lose weight and it is often prescribed for the treatment of depression comorbid with obesity. However, bloating can be considered a common side effect. 

Wellbutrin may also affect insulin levels in some individuals and can affect intermittent fasting. However, these effects are not that common.

Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider if your Wellbutrin-induced side effects really disturb you. Do not stop this antidepressant without your doctor’s approval. 

What does research suggest? 

Research indicates that Wellbutrin may cause some gastrointestinal disturbances which may increase your stomach gases (1). This can cause bloating and make you feel heavy. Wellbutrin may also cause heartburn or acid reflux, which may reduce overall calorie consumption. 

This may add a pound or two to your weight, but this weight gain is unrelated to your body’s metabolic changes. However, these side effects are not persistent and are more common in people who take Wellbutrin on an empty stomach.

As soon as your bloating goes away, the extra pound or two drops. If your bloating is making it difficult for you to eat normally or if you feel abdominal pain, reach out to your healthcare provider and discuss your side effects. Wellbutrin may rarely cause fluid retention, which can increase your water weight.

Wellbutrin, in general, is known to cause weight loss in depressed obese individuals.

Furthermore, Wellbutrin is actually considered a good alternative to antidepressants like Mirtazapine which can cause significant weight gain in people, as this antidepressant can have some stimulant effects, even though it’s different from typical stimulants like Vyvanse and Adderall.

This antidepressant can even cause weight loss when taken with other medications, like antipsychotics (Seroquel, Abilify, etc), other antidepressants (Paxil, Prozac, Effexor, etc), and some antiepileptic drugs (Lamotrigine).

Bupropion, the active drug in Wellbutrin, is also available in a combined form with other medications which are solely designed to lose weight and manage obesity.

One example is Contrave, which contains Naltrexone and Bupropion. If you’re taking any such medication, but you’re gaining weight or the medication does not seem to be working, please reach out to your healthcare provider.

What to do to get rid of Wellbutrin-induced bloating? 

There are a few things you can do to get rid of Wellbutrin-induced bloating and heaviness in your stomach. These include:

Drink fennel tea

If you’re feeling too bloated after your meals, drink fennel tea. You can make tea by adding fennel seeds to boiling water and letting it steep for a while. Let it cool down to room temperature and drink it. 

It will help digest your food and will stop those circulating gases that cause bloating and make you feel heavy. You can also throw some peppermint and ginger in your tea. All of them have amazing digestive properties. 

Don’t overeat

Another way to prevent Wellbutrin-induced bloating from getting worse is to not overeat. Stuffing your stomach with an excess amount of food can trigger these gases and acid reflux. 

These combined can make you feel terribly heavy and can cause severe Abdominal pain. Make sure you eat mindfully and stick to smaller portions. 

Avoid spicy food for a while 

It is best to avoid too much spicy food while you’re being treated with Wellbutrin. Spicy food can exacerbate gastrointestinal side effects. It can also trigger acid reflux and heartburn. 

Try probiotics 

The addition of probiotics to your diet can help you a lot with your Wellbutrin-induced bloating. This is because these good bacteria can aid in digestion and improve your gut health. 

They are normally a part of our gut microflora but the majority of people are deficient these days. Try probiotics and you’ll see a difference yourself. 

Stay hydrated 

Water is essential for your entire body, including your gut health. It can help dilute the acid in your stomach which can prevent the formation of gases that cause bloating in the first place. 

It’s best to drink water before meals. You can also drink water with food, but experts have recommended not to drink water right after finishing your meals. It can affect your digestion. 

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Huecker MR, Smiley A, Saadabadi A. Bupropion. 2022 Dec 15. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 29262173. Available from:

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