Do Lamictal and Wellbutrin together cause weight loss? 

Do Lamictal and Wellbutrin together cause weight loss? 

Yes, the combination of Lamictal and Wellbutrin does cause weight loss. This effect was observed during clinical trials when the combination of Lamictal and Wellbutrin was being tested, but it was not so common. 

However, you should only take this combination if prescribed by your healthcare provider. If you suffer from side effects, reach out to your doctor and discuss the safety and efficacy of this combination in the long-term use. 

What does research suggest? 

According to research studies, the basic reason behind weight loss caused by this combination is decreased appetite. Both of these meds can make you eat less by making food less desirable for you (1,2). 

If we look at the two meds individually, Lamictal is not that commonly associated with weight loss. Wellbutrin, on the other hand, is considered the best antidepressant for weight loss, energy, and motivation. You will most likely lose weight because of Wellbutrin. 

However, it is important to note that an individual’s response may vary. Wellbutrin may trigger excessive hunger in some people, which can lead to weight gain. Although it is not considered a common possibility, people can react differently to medications.

Wellbutrin in general can not help with personality-related mood disorders, which is why it is paired with medications like Lamictal, Lithium, etc – which are different from Wellbutrin and are approved for the treatment of conditions like bipolar disorder.

What to do if Lamictal and Wellbutrin make you lose weight? 

If the combination of Lamictal and Wellbutrin is making you lose weight, you should talk to your healthcare provider. If you’re struggling with your weight or if your mental illness caused a binge-eating disorder in you, losing weight on this combination could be a good sign. 

It means that these drugs are regulating your normal appetite and are successfully preventing episodes of binge eating. However, if you are a lean person or if your BMI is normal, losing an excessive amount of weight could become a problem. 

This is because unnecessary weight loss makes your body weak and nutrient-deficient. These deficiencies can mess up your immunity and delay your recovery. 

Make sure you report this side effect to your healthcare provider. It is also important to focus on a healthy diet and add all the necessary nutrients to your diet that can help strengthen your body and your immunity. 

Important tips to help you stay at a healthier body weight

There are a few tips that can help you get back to a healthier body weight while being treated with Vimpat. These include:

  • Consume liquid calories. They are the best ways to provide your body with nutrients when you don’t find yourself hungry. 
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals. 
  • Do not drink water when you’re eating. It can fill up your stomach and make you consume a lesser amount of calories.
  • Do not eat foods low in nutrients and high in calories.
  • Eat wholesome foods, including good fats, lean protein, lighter carbs, high-fibre foods, and whole grains. 
  • Always pay extra attention to your breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. 

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Betchel NT, Fariba KA, Saadabadi A. Lamotrigine. 2023 Feb 13. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 29262021. Available from:


Huecker MR, Smiley A, Saadabadi A. Bupropion. 2022 Dec 15. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 29262173. Available from:

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