Do Wellbutrin and Seroquel cause weight loss? 

Do Wellbutrin and Seroquel cause weight loss? 

The combination of Wellbutrin and Seroquel may make you lose weight. It is reported during clinical trials, but some people may not see this effect. Wellbutrin and Seroquel are not prescribed for the purpose of weight loss and they are not even considered for that purpose. 

If you’re losing a significant amount of weight on this combination, you should reach out to your healthcare provider. 

What do research studies say about weight loss associated with Wellbutrin and Seroquel?

There are a number of research studies on the effects of Wellbutrin and Seroquel on weight-related changes. Antidepressants, antipsychotics, and other centrally-acting medications can change the eating patterns and metabolic activities in some people, which can be linked to weight-related side effects.  

Research indicates that Wellbutrin is considered the best antidepressant to take for weight loss, energy boost, and high motivation. 

There are a huge number of research studies claiming that Wellbutrin can make people lose a noticeable amount of weight, especially women (1). This weight loss is more prominent in overweight or obese individuals as people who are heavier have more weight to lose. 

Seroquel, on the other hand, is not that much involved with weight loss. In fact, it may cause weight gain in some people (2). However, Seroquel may cause weight loss and hair loss in some people.

The combination of Wellbutrin and Seroquel can be a good one for a number of mental health-related problems, but it won’t suit everyone. 

If your doctor has put you on this combination but you can’t seem to tolerate it well, immediately report to your healthcare provider. 

What to do if Wellbutrin and Seroquel make you lose weight? 

If you are an overweight or obese person, it’s a good sign that this combination is making you lose weight. However, the weight loss should not be rapid as it may indicate that the drug is affecting your body significantly. 

Moderate weight loss is actually a desired therapeutic outcome. However, if you have an ideal body weight and you’re losing a lot of weight on this combination, seek medical attention as soon as you can. This is not a good sign and you may become extremely weak if this side effect persists. 

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Gadde KM, Parker CB, Maner LG, Wagner HR 2nd, Logue EJ, Drezner MK, Krishnan KR. Bupropion for weight loss: an investigation of efficacy and tolerability in overweight and obese women. Obes Res. 2001 Sep;9(9):544-51. doi: 10.1038/oby.2001.71. PMID: 11557835. Available from:


Dubath C, Piras M, Gholam M, Laaboub N, Grosu C, Sentissi O, Gamma F, Solida A, von Gunten A, Conus P, Eap CB. Effect of Quetiapine, from Low to High Dose, on Weight and Metabolic Traits: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2021 Nov;54(6):279-286. doi: 10.1055/a-1525-2820. Epub 2021 Aug 13. PMID: 34388836. Available from:

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