Will blurred vision on Lexapro go away? 

Will blurred vision on Lexapro go away? 

Blurred vision on Lexapro does go away if it’s the early side effect of this antidepressant. Lexapro is known for causing side effects during the early course of your treatment. If that’s when you find your vision a little blurry, it will surely subside on its own. 

However, if you are a long-term user and you suddenly start having blurred vision, I recommend reaching out to your doctor right away.

Long-term treatment with Lexapro and other SSRIs can cause damage to your optic nerve, which can increase intraocular pressure and can cause a number of visual side effects. 

What does research suggest?

A research review in a recent UK Journal has reported 5 cases of SSRI-Induced optic neuropathy upon long-term use. This side effect was not observed in new users or people on short-term Lexapro treatment (1). 

Another research study found that antidepressants that inhibit the reuptake of serotonin can have negative effects on vision (2). These effects can sometimes persist even after stopping the medication. 

However, the authors indicated that research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms, determine how common these effects are among individuals taking these medications, and identify any factors that may increase or decrease the risk of experiencing these effects.

Another research study indicated that SSRIs, in general, were found to potentially cause dry eyes and blurry vision, and increase the risk of developing cataracts (3). 

The proposed mechanism behind this is the increased levels of serotonin in the tear film and aqueous humour, leading to inflammation and cell death in the corneal epithelium and lens fibres.

It is important to note that other antidepressants or non-SSRIs can also cause blurry vision as a side effect. A few such cases have also been reported with the use of Trazodone, Wellbutrin, etc. 

How to get rid of Lexapro-induced blurred vision? 

It’s important to discuss Lexapro-induced blurred vision with your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your condition and determine the best course of action.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend adjusting the dosage of Lexapro to minimize the side effects. They will carefully consider the benefits and potential risks before making any changes.

If the blurred vision persists or becomes bothersome, your doctor may explore other antidepressant options that have a lower likelihood of causing this side effect. 

Either way, don’t stop taking your antidepressant without your doctor’s approval. Sudden withdrawal can be dangerous for long-term users (4). If Lexapro is causing damage to your eyes, you will have to taper this antidepressant down gradually to safely discontinue using it. 

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Lochhead J. Keep an eye on the SSRI: help avoid possible sight-threatening adverse events. Br J Gen Pract. 2016 Feb;66(643):91. doi: 10.3399/bjgp16X683641. PMID: 26823253; PMCID: PMC4723200. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4723200/


Healy D, Mangin D, Lochhead J. Development and persistence of patient-reported visual problems associated with serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2022;33(1):37-47. doi: 10.3233/JRS-210018. PMID: 34366298. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34366298/


Constable PA, Al-Dasooqi D, Bruce R, Prem-Senthil M. A Review of Ocular Complications Associated with Medications Used for Anxiety, Depression, and Stress. Clin Optom (Auckl). 2022 Feb 24;14:13-25. doi: 10.2147/OPTO.S355091. PMID: 35237084; PMCID: PMC8884704. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8884704/


Yasui-Furukori N, Hashimoto K, Tsuchimine S, Tomita T, Sugawara N, Ishioka M, Nakamura K. Characteristics of Escitalopram Discontinuation Syndrome: A Preliminary Study. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2016 May-Jun;39(3):125-7. doi: 10.1097/WNF.0000000000000139. PMID: 27171568. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27171568/

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