Does Lexapro shorten your life span? (3+ serious effects)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro shortens your life span or not. We will also discuss what research suggests on this, the potential risks associated with long-term use of Lexapro and managing a healthy lifestyle while taking the medication.

Does Lexapro shorten your life span?

Lexapro may or may not impact your lifespan. While Lexapro is associated with several side effects, which could affect one’s quality of life if not managed on time. However, there’s no proper evidence to support that Lexapro directly influences a person’s lifespan and makes it short. (1,2)

Escitalopram (Lexapro) is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It is widely prescribed around the world for its efficacy profile which is quite beneficial for people suffering from depression, anxiety and panic-related disorders. It works by balancing the levels of a chemical in the brain called serotonin which improves mood and boosts a person’s confidence and motivation. (1)

It has shown positive effects on individual’s quality of life by reducing the feelings of sadness and unworthiness in their minds and boosting their spirits to live and not give up.

On the other hand, Lexapro may have negative effects on one’s quality of life as well. Serotonin syndrome is a major and life-threatening side effect related to this medication and if not diagnosed and treated on time, a person can lose his life. (4)

It’s important to keep in mind that every individual responds differently to medications, especially when it comes to antidepressants. So it’s better to consult a doctor before starting any new medication and keep a check on your side effects. 

What does research suggest?

According to a research study, a group of 5,206 men participated in a study and their age range was between 66 to 88 years. They were all suffering from mild to moderate or even severe depression. (2)

The doctors also asked them about their medical history and what antidepressants they were taking. The researchers then tracked how many of these men passed away over the next 6 years and found out that 883 of these men passed away fighting depression even though they were taking antidepressants. (2)

They concluded that using antidepressants did not decrease the risk of death for older men with ongoing depression. The study suggested that addressing depression in older men is important for their overall health and well-being.

According to another research study, antidepressants not only affect our brains but also affect other body organs like the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver, as these organs also absorb serotonin from blood. Antidepressants like escitalopram block serotonin absorption in these organs as well just like it does in the brain. (3)

The researchers concluded that the risk of dying early by taking antidepressants is 33% higher than people who do not take them. Antidepressant users also have a 14% higher risk of cardiovascular events like stroke and heart attack. (3)

What are the potentially life-threatening side effects of Lexapro?

The severe and life-threatening side effects of Lexapro are rare, but it’s important for everyone using it to be aware of them. Some serious side effects of Lexare may include:

Serotonin syndrome:

It is a rare but serious life-threatening condition that may caused by the use of antidepressants like SSRIs (Sertraline, Citalopram Fluoxetine), SNRIs (venlafaxine) and other classes. The most common symptoms associated with this condition may include fever, seizures, hallucinations, irritability, confusion, restlessness, rapid heartbeat and stiffness of muscles. It is caused by too much serotonin in your bloodstream. (4)

Allergic reactions: 

People are different and some may be more sensitive or even allergic to the use of Lexapro. They may experience rashes on their skin, itching, swelling, dizziness and difficulty in breathing as an allergic response. (1)

Suicidal thoughts: 

In some cases, especially in younger people, antidepressants like Lexapro have been found to make people think about hurting themselves. If you sense that the severity of suicidal thoughts is increasing persistently in yourself or someone you know, seek medical help immediately. (1)

Abnormal bleeding: 

Lexapro might increase the risk of bleeding in some individuals, especially when used with other medications which affect blood clotting like Warfarin or Heparin. So if you experience unusual bleeding or bruising, inform your doctor right away. (5)

Hyponatremia (Low sodium levels): 

In rare cases, Lexapro may reduce the levels of sodium and cause symptoms like headaches, difficulty in concentration, confusion, weakness and unsteadiness. Severe cases can be life-threatening. (6)

It’s important to remember that everyone who takes Lexapro does not experience all the severe side effects. Always discuss all your concerns and side effects related to Lexapro with your doctor. 

How to manage Lexapro-induced serious side effects? 

If you are experiencing the aforementioned side effects while taking Lexapro, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately as wasting time, even an hour, could be crucial. You can try calling the emergency service or rush to the nearest hospital. (1,4,5)

Describe all the symptoms and changes that you’re going through, to your healthcare provider. Let them know about all the medications you are currently taking and if you have any allergies. 

Never start taking any medication, especially antidepressants like Lexapro without asking your doctor. Likewise, don’t stop taking Lexapro abruptly by getting afraid of any serious side effects you might be experiencing as it causes withdrawal symptoms. Your doctor will slowly taper it off or give you any other alternative, if necessary. 

Make sure you’re following your doctor’s guidance and the recommended dose at the appropriate time. It’s important to be punctual with your follow-up visits so your doctor can monitor you thoroughly. 

In case you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, your doctor might recommend counselling or behavioural therapy by professionals or you can also try talking to your close friends or family members. This helps in identifying negative thought patterns and breaking them. 

As a pharmacist, In my opinion, Lexapro has shown significant improvement in patients who suffer from depression, anxiety and panic-related disorders. However, it’s crucial to remember that many short-term and side effects are associated with its use which may diminish on their own, once the body is adjusted to the medication. 

Life-threatening side effects like Serotonin syndrome usually occur when you’re taking a medication for a very long time. Make yourself aware of all the possible side effects related to the use of Lexapro and monitor yourself closely, in case you sense any concerning changes or side effects, report your doctor right away. 

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