Does Lexapro cause grey hair? (3+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro causes premature greying of hair or not. We will also explore what research suggests on this, the potential link between antidepressants like Lexapro and premature greying, factors contributing to hair greying while taking Lexapro and preventive measures and hair care tips for Lexapro users. 

Does Lexapro cause grey hair?

Yes, Lexapro may cause premature greying of hair. However, this is not a commonly reported side effect of Lexapro but it’s important to remember that people are unique and may react differently to medications, especially antidepressants. This means not everyone will necessarily experience grey hair from Lexapro. (2,3)

Lexapro is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It works by increasing the levels of a chemical in the brain called serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for improving and regulating mood to treat depression and anxiety and makes a person happy by boosting motivation. (1)

If you’re concerned about premature greying or experiencing changes in hair colour while taking Lexapro, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider. 

How does Lexapro cause grey hair?

The relationship between Lexapro (escitalopram) and premature greying of hair is not fully understood, however, it is believed that the fluctuations in serotonin levels from Lexapro might play an indirect role.

Serotonin’s primary function is to improve and regulate a depressive person’s mood but its role is not just limited to it. Serotonin is supposed to have antioxidative properties and oxidative stress is one of the factors that may affect premature greying of hair. Thus, imbalances in these levels can contribute to damaging hair follicles and melanocytes (the hair pigment-producing cells). (4)

Serotonin is also involved in the regulation of hormonal systems in your body. Changes in serotonin levels mean imbalances in certain hormones and hormonal changes may have a crucial impact on your hair health. For example, fluctuations in certain hormones like cortisol and melatonin are found to be associated with hair-related changes, including greying hair. (3,4)

What does research suggest?

According to research, the relationship between serotonin and hair follicles as well as hair pigmentation is somewhat complex and not clear. However, some studies suggest that serotonin influences the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes, as serotonin receptors are also found in hair follicles. (3)

Researchers found that serotonin is associated with both the promotion and inhibition of hair growth. Likewise, it influences both phenomena in terms of hair pigmentation as well, such as repigmentation and discolouration (greying of hair). (3)

Other than this, too much stress is also known to impact the growth of hair and premature greying. If an antidepressant like Lexapro is making you more stressed out, especially during the early stages of treatment when your body is not yet adjusted to the medication dose, it can lead to hair damage and discolouration. (2)

What other factors contribute to hair greying while taking Lexapro?

Several factors may contribute to the premature greying of hair, and some of these factors might be indirectly associated with the use of Lexapro. These include: (5)


Genetics could be the most significant contributing factor to premature greying of hair. If your family members like parents and grandparents experienced hair greying at a young age, you might be more likely to as well.


It’s a natural phenomenon that when a person starts to age and grow older, their hair naturally tends to lose pigment and start turning grey. 

Nutritional deficiencies: 

If you’re deficient in certain vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, copper and iron are lacking in your body, you might start experiencing premature greying of hair.


Chronic stress might also be a contributing factor in the early greying of hair. You may experience concerning changes in your hair like too much hair fall, reduced growth, baldness or discolouration if you don’t manage your stress.

Other medications: 

Sometimes, certain medications might have side effects or interactions that are not fully understood, especially when being used for a prolonged time. For example, Abilify (aripiprazole) which is an antipsychotic, might also cause hair loss and other possible changes in hair.

How to manage and prevent hair greying while taking Lexapro?

If you’re concerned about hair health while taking Lexapro or in general, here are some managing strategies that might help you: (6)

Maintain a balanced diet: Ensure you’re getting a well-balanced diet with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, including vitamin B12, iron and copper. These nutrients are very important for your hair and overall health.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to ensure that you and your hair are well hydrated as dehydration can greatly impact your hair health.

Manage stress: Include some relaxation techniques in your routine like inhaling and exhaling deep breaths, stretching your body like you do in yoga or other meditation approaches to calm your mind and body. 

Regular exercise: Engage yourself in regular physical activity like running and weight lifting, as exercise while taking antidepressants like Lexapro, can contribute positively to your overall health including hair health.

Good hair care practices: 

  • Try using a mild, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type.
  • Avoid using heat styling tools excessively, as they can damage your hair.
  • Never rub your hair harshly or vigorously, instead towel dry them gently. 
  • Protect your hair from too much exposure to sunlight (UV radiation) and harsh weather by wearing a cap to cover it. 

Consult your healthcare provider:  Discuss any concerns related to your hair with your doctor, they might look at your hormonal levels or nutritional deficiencies. 

Supplements (Under medical supervision):  If you have any specific nutrient deficiency, your doctor might recommend a supplement.

Regular check-ups:  Try to ensure regular checkups with your healthcare provider so they can monitor your health and assess any concerning changes. 

As a pharmacist, In my opinion, everyone’s body reacts differently to medications like Lexapro. Keep in mind that if you’re experiencing changes in your hair health while taking Lexapro, be it hair loss or discolouration, medication doesn’t need to be directly related to it. Other aforementioned factors could be the main reason behind it. 

However, even after trying hair management techniques, if you are experiencing persistent hair changes, talk to your doctor and ask them to give you any other alternative medication with fewer side effects or make adjustments to your current medication’s dose.

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