Does Lexapro affect growth? (3+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro affect growth or not. Furthermore, we will explore what research suggests on this, the potential relationship between Lexapro and growth, susceptible individuals, signs and symptoms of affected growth and the management of growth effects with Lexapro.

Does Lexapro affect growth?

Yes, Lexapro may affect growth in some children and adolescents. However, it is not a commonly reported side effect of Lexapro but individuals are unique in terms of brain chemistry and may react differently to certain medications, especially antidepressants. (1)

Lexapro is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It works by balancing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, specifically serotonin. Serotonin helps improve a person’s mood and is approved by the FDA to treat depression, anxiety and panic-related disorders. (1)

If you have concerns about the impact of SSRIs like Lexapro on growth, it’s recommended to consult with your healthcare provider.

How does Lexapro affect growth?

The relationship between Lexapro (escitalopram) and growth is complex and not well understood. However, it is believed that fluctuations in serotonin levels in the brain might play a role in disturbing growth, indirectly. (1,3)

While serotonin itself is not a growth hormone, alterations in its levels can potentially influence the other hormonal systems that might play a role in growth, like the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF-1) axis. This growth hormone is considered very crucial for the growth and development of a person, especially, children and adolescents. (4)

Serotonin is also found to have a pronounced effect on your sleep cycle and sleep is considered an important factor in your growth. Growth hormone is usually released when you’re in deep sleep, especially during the first half of the night. Therefore, disruptions in sleep patterns due to imbalances in serotonin levels may contribute to affecting growth and development both mentally and physically. (5)

What does research suggest?

According to research, scientists studied the effects of antidepressants (SSRIs) on children to determine the effects of SSRIs on their growth especially during puberty. (2)

They took boys, ages ranging from 5-17 years who were taking another medication called risperidone and had no major health issues. They collected data on the boy’s height and weight, to see if there was a connection between using SSRIs and changes in boy’s height and their body mass index (BMI). (2)

They found out that the boys taking risperidone along with SSRIs were not growing as much, especially after the age of 11. Their height stopped and their BMI declined. The longer they used SSRIs and the higher the total dose, the more it seemed to affect their height. 

Interestingly when they looked at boys in the middle stages of puberty who used SSRIs continuously, the impact on their height was even stronger. (2)

As a result, researchers concluded that fluctuations in serotonin levels especially in children close to their puberty have significant stunted effects on their growth and development. Therefore, SSRIs like paroxetine and fluvoxamine, which also showed hindered growth responses along with escitalopram, their levels should be closely monitored especially in young individuals.

What are the signs of affected growth from Lexapro?

Some common signs that growth might be affected, include: (6)

  • Slower growth rate: If a child is growing more slowly than usual, it should be a concern. 
  • Shorter height: The children might have a shorter height than expected for their age. 
  • Delayed puberty: If the child is not going through puberty when expected, it could be related to growth concerns.
  • Weight and height mismatch: Your child might have an abnormal weight-to-height ratio. For example, the child’s weight might not match their height as expected.
  • Bone development issues: Stunted growth might lead to problems with bone development and affect bone density or structure.

What factors contribute to affected growth while taking Lexapro? 

Certain genetic factors might also play a role in an individual’s growth and response to medications like Lexapro, including: (3,6)

Appetite changes: Some people may experience changes in their eating habits while taking Lexapro, such as decreased appetite. If you’re not getting sufficient nutrients that are required for your growth and bone development, like calcium, magnesium etc, your growth will be reduced.

Metabolic effects: SSRIs like Lexapro may also influence how your metabolism works like how much time your body takes to absorb food and medications. Slow metabolism might affect your growth. 

Genetic factors: Every person’s genetic makeup is unique and can greatly influence how their bodies react to medications. Genetic factors are crucial for growth and development, including height and metabolism.

Other medications or conditions: If you’re taking multiple medications or if you have some underlying medical condition. These factors may interact with Lexapro and contribute to growth-related concerns. 

How to manage Lexapro’s effects on growth?

It’s important to remember that not everyone taking Lexapro may experience negative effects on their growth. However, if you do experience any aforementioned signs related to growth or other adverse reactions while taking Lexapro, reach out to your doctor immediately. (1,6)

Your healthcare provider may adjust your treatment plan as per your specific situation, either by managing the dose of Lexapro to reduce side effects or exploring any other alternative with fewer or no growth-related side effects. (6)

Discuss any changes you sense in your appetite, weight or growth with your doctor and ensure time-to-time follow-ups for monitoring your growth health. 

As a pharmacist, according to my research analysis, Lexapro has shown to be more stable in adults as compared to children and adolescents, especially during their puberty stage in terms of growth effects when used for anxiety or depression. So as children are more susceptible to experiencing shunted growth from Lexapro, regular monitoring is required.

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