Does Wellbutrin-induced blurred vision go away? 

Does Wellbutrin-induced blurred vision go away?

Wellbutrin-induced blurred vision does go away within a few weeks of your treatment, as your body adjusts to the medication. Blurry vision with Wellbutrin and other antidepressants is common in some people, especially those who are new to antidepressants. 

Wellbutrin is not a medication that causes ocular toxicity, so new users shouldn’t worry much if they find their vision a little blurry or if they feel dizzy. It will most likely subside as your body completely accepts Wellbutrin. However, it’s always best to inform your doctor about the side effects. 

If you have been taking Wellbutrin for a while, and you suddenly feel your vision getting blurry, without any addition to your prescription meds or any other factor that may cause such an effect, reach out to your healthcare provider as soon as you can. 

What does research suggest about Wellbutrin-induced ocular side effects? 

Research suggests that Wellbutrin is associated with a number of ocular side effects so far. The reported side effects include:

  • Blurred vision 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased intraocular pressure
  • Diplopia 

All of these ocular side effects are rare with Wellbutrin, with Diplopia being the rarest (1). The most common one is blurred vision, the one we are discussing here. 

It’s not just with Wellbutrin, plenty of other antidepressants are also associated with blurry vision, especially if you have just started taking this antidepressant. 

Can Wellbutrin damage your eyes? 

Wellbutrin does not cause ocular toxicity, as I have discussed earlier, but I won’t tell you it can’t. Wellbutrin is associated with a number of side effects and a lot of different people take this antidepressant. 

Some are healthy individuals who are struggling with depression, hence they take Wellbutrin. However, some people are much more complex than others. 

People who are overall sensitive to medications, or those who already have an ocular condition like glaucoma, are at high risk of developing ocular side effects on Wellbutrin. 

What to do if Wellbutrin causes ocular side effects?

You should reach out to your healthcare provider if Wellbutrin is causing damage to your eyes. Your doctor may try dose reduction at first, but this may not work if Wellbutrin is damaging your vision or any other ocular functions.

However, it is not recommended to stop using Wellbutrin without talking to your doctor first. If your provider believes that Wellbutrin is not the right choice of antidepressant for you, he/she will safely taper you off the medication and switch you to another appropriate one. 

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Fayyazi Bordbar MR, Jafarzadeh M. Bupropion-induced diplopia in an Iranian patient. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2011 Fall;5(2):136-8. PMID: 24644459; PMCID: PMC3939961. Available from:

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