How does Cipramil work? (7+ signs)

This article will explain the mechanism by which Cipramil works. It will mention the various conditions that Cipramil can treat and discuss research findings about Cipramil’s mechanism and uses. The article will also discuss the potential side effects and withdrawal symptoms of the drug. 

The article will additionally mention signs that indicate that Cipramil is working effectively. Finally, it will provide suggestions on what to do if you suspect that the drug isn’t working for you.

How does Cipramil work?

Cipramil is a brand of citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that works by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, increasing its availability in the synapses rather than in the nerve cells. This increased serotonin enhances mood and improves symptoms of depression and anxiety [1].

SSRIs, including Cipramil, are the first-line drugs for depression due to their optimal efficacy and safety profile. To illustrate, SSRIs mainly impact serotonin levels and have fewer effects on other neurotransmitters. This selectivity minimizes the risk of multiple side effects.

Cipramil is FDA-approved for treating depression. However, it can be used off-label for treating OCD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, binge eating disorder, PTSD, premature ejaculation, and poststroke depression [1].

People respond differently to medications. Thus, it would be best if you discussed medication options with your doctor before considering using Cipramil. They will determine the most suitable and effective approach.

What does research suggest?

One study found that citalopram increased both serotonin and adenosine in the brains of mice, which led to the suppression of glutamate. Consequently, a clinical trial investigated the link between citalopram, serotonin, and adenosine levels and the reduction in depression symptoms [2].

In that trial, patients were started on 5 mg of citalopram and gradually increased the dose to 20 mg. Researchers found that higher citalopram doses led to higher serotonin and adenosine levels in the blood, resulting in significant improvement in depressive symptoms after 40 days of administration [2].

Multiple studies have discussed how the mechanism of Cipramil can help treat various conditions. For instance, the research discovered that its effects on serotonin helped treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after 2 months of administration [3].

Other studies also found that increased serotonin caused by citalopram contributes to its effectiveness in managing OCD and anxiety [1].

What are the side effects of Cipramil?

While increased serotonin leads to various therapeutic benefits, especially for mood and mental health, it can also cause various side effects.

Some of these side effects include [4]:

Can suddenly stopping Cipramil cause withdrawal symptoms?

The body adjusts to Cipramil’s effects and gets used to the increase in serotonin levels that it causes. Thus, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage of Cipramil over time before discontinuing it.

The sudden discontinuation of Cipramil can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including electric shocks, vomiting, tiredness, muscle and joint pains, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, abnormal heart rate, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, tremors, and insomnia [1].

How can you know if Cipramil is working?

If you want to know if Cipramil works for you, monitor the following signs:

  • If Cipramil effectively treats your depression, you could see an improvement in your energy levels if your depression causes you to feel exhausted and unmotivated.
  • You will experience greater joy in life events that you previously found uninteresting if Cipramil is helping with your depression.
  • Effective Cipramil treatment should improve your sleep quality if your anxiety or depression causes sleep disturbances.
  • If you have appetite loss associated with depression, an increase in appetite brought on by Cipramil use shows that the medication is working.
  • Conversely, some people tend to overeat when they’re nervous, unhappy, or upset. These people can experience a reduction in appetite as a result of their effective Cipramil treatment.
  • If your depression and anxiety prevent you from completing tasks, an effective Cipramil treatment can help you be productive again.
  • People administering Cipramil who have anxiety will see a decrease in worry and irritability.
  • In case your anxiety and depression make it harder for you to get tasks done, successful treatment with Cipramil should make it easier to do tasks and normal daily activities.

What to do if Cipramil is not working for you?

If Cipramil is not working for you, you should discuss this with your doctor. They will evaluate your condition, determine the reason why the drug isn’t working for you, and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

They may try increasing the dose and monitoring your response. You must adhere to the prescribed dose and take Cipramil at the same time every day. Finally, the doctor may consider switching you to another antidepressant if Cipramil doesn’t work despite the dose adjustment. 


Based on my knowledge, Cipramil is a brand medication for citalopram, which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Cipramil can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin in the cells, increasing its availability in the synapses. 

Based on my research, I found that Cipramil increases serotonin and adenosine levels, leading to the suppression of glutamate and a reduction in depressive symptoms. It has also shown potential for treating conditions like PTSD, binge eating, OCD, and anxiety. 

I believe that it is important to be aware of Cipramil’s potential side effects, such as headaches, nausea, and insomnia. Additionally, sudden discontinuation can cause withdrawal symptoms. 

If you’re considering using Cipramil, I recommend discussing your options with your doctor to determine the most suitable approach. If it doesn’t work for you, the doctor may adjust the dose or consider switching to another antidepressant.

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Seedat S, Stein DJ, Emsley RA. Open trial of citalopram in adults with post-traumatic stress disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2000 Jun;3(2):135-140. doi: 10.1017/S1461145700001899. PMID: 11343590. Available from:


MedlinePlus[Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US);2023. Citalopram; [updated 2022 Jan 15; cited 2023 JUL 10]. Available from:

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