Does citalopram give you more energy? (3+ tips)

In this article, we will discuss whether citalopram gives you energy or not, what does research suggest? , what to do if citalopram doesn’t increase your energy level, and self-care techniques to boost your energy levels.

Does citalopram give you more energy?

Citalopram may give you energy and improve your mood and well-being. However, it depends on your response to this medication, if you respond well to citalopram, your mood will improve.

Citalopram is an antidepressant drug that belongs to a class of medications known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). This class helps restore serotonin to its normal concentration in the brain.

Citalopram is not an energy medication, it is an antidepressant medication like Effexor that treats depression and helps make you feel more motivated. The onset of action of citalopram begins in 1 to 2 weeks and can take up to 6 weeks to make you feel good. (1)

By restoring the concentration of Serotonin in the brain, your energy and motivation can be improved. It is important to note that citalopram may not improve energy levels in some individuals, it varies from person to person, as the primary function of citalopram is to treat depression and not to increase your energy levels.

What does research suggest?

Research suggests that citalopram can improve fatigue and fatigue-related symptoms such as tiredness, lack of energy, and irritation in some individuals.

The reason why citalopram can improve fatigue-related symptoms is not fully understood, maybe because of its action in restoring serotonin concentration levels in the brain, which will lead to energy elevation.

A clinical trial was conducted on patients experiencing chronic fatigue for over 6 months without being diagnosed with depression. The patients were given a placebo in the first week and then shifted to citalopram for two months. These patients were compared to other chronic fatigue-diagnosed patients on other treatments. (2)

After comparison and evaluation, The patients who were on placebo and shifted to citalopram developed an improvement in their chronic fatigue symptoms compared to the other group of patients who were treated with other medications.

This trial concluded that citalopram can improve fatigue in some individuals.

What to do if citalopram doesn’t boost your energy level?

If citalopram doesn’t boost your energy level, the first step is to contact your physician or healthcare provider. It’s important to note that citalopram can cause restlessness in the first week of treatment. (3)

Your physician or healthcare provider will evaluate your situation accordingly, they may need to adjust the medication dosage or alter the medication if symptoms persist.

Self-care techniques to boost your energy level

Here are some self-care techniques that can help in boosting your energy level: 

  • Meditation plays a vital role in relaxing your mind, it will help you stay calm, which will lead to boosting your energy level.
  • Breathing exercises lower your blood pressure and increase the blood circulation to your vital organs such as your brain and heart, which will ultimately lead to increasing your energy level.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet, and getting enough sleep also helps in increasing your energy.
  • Talking to family and friends and writing down what bothers you will help relax your mind and thoughts and increase your energy throughout the day.
  • Exercise and try to join an exercise group that relaxes the mind such as Yoga, if you don’t want to leave the house, you can prepare your room and practice online Yoga sessions, it helps in organizing your thoughts, relaxing your mind, and raising your energy level. (4)

It is important to take citalopram and follow the directions as mentioned by your physician to ensure the proper use of the drug and to get the most out of it.


Based on research studies, citalopram can give you energy, but it can vary in every individual. If citalopram doesn’t boost your energy level and makes you feel fatigued, consult your physician and follow self-care techniques to boost your energy level.

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NHS. Common questions about citalopram [Internet]. 2022. Available from: 


Hartz, Arthur J et al. “The effectiveness of citalopram for idiopathic chronic fatigue.” The Journal of clinical psychiatry vol. 64,8 (2003): 927-35. doi:10.4088/jcp.v64n0811. Available from: 


Citalopram 10mg Tablet – Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) – (EMC) (Internet). Available from: 


Australia H. Feeling restless [Internet]. 2021. Available from: 

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