Does Citalopram cause insomnia? (3+ strategies)

In this article, we will discuss whether Citalopram causes insomnia. We will also discuss other potential sleep problems with this medication and common treatment strategies to help counteract them.

Does Citalopram cause insomnia?

Yes, Citalopram can cause insomnia during the early course of your treatment. This is, in fact, one of the most common side effects of this medication.

Citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is an antidepressant used for treating mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety (1).

Insomnia is usually experienced during the early course of treatment with Citalopram and it begins to subside when your body adjusts to it.

This is because antidepressants alter the number of active chemicals in your brain and your body does not get used to it right away. It can take 4-6 weeks before you begin to see a noticeable difference in your depression symptoms.

So if you are feeling sleep disturbances during the first few weeks of your therapy with Citalopram, don’t worry!

Some people may experience sedation after taking Citalopram. This is because every individual has a unique genetic makeup and responds differently to medications.

What does research suggest?

There is limited research indicating Citalopram-induced sleep disturbances. However, SSRIs in general can cause sleep disturbances, which are relatively more common in people who are new to Citalopram or antidepressants in general.

It is important to note that Citalopram, being an antidepressant, can also help people with sleep disturbances.

One study indicated that antidepressants can improve sleep in the long term by enhancing mood and daytime activity. In the short term, some antidepressants may disrupt sleep due to activation, while others may help due to sedation (2).

How does Citalopram cause insomnia?

Citalopram causes sleep disturbances because it affects your sleep architecture due to its mechanism of action. Citalopram increases the amount of active serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is an excitatory neurotransmitter that elevates mood and energy.

The deficiency of serotonin leads to depression. When you start taking Citalopram, your serotonin levels start to go high, your body may become alert and the process of sleep may become disturbed as your brain continues to work over time.

This is expected to happen in individuals who are new to Citalopram or antidepressants in general. However, once your body is adjusted to this change, your sleep cycle gets back to normal.

What to do if Celexa causes sleep disturbances?

If you are experiencing sleep disturbances due to Citalopram, then reach out to your healthcare provider.

In the initial phase of the treatment with Citalopram, sleep disturbances can occur but it starts to get better within a few weeks as your body adjusts to the medication and the way it makes you feel.

However, if you continue to feel this way after weeks and weeks of your treatment, you should report it to your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider may advise you to change the time at which you take Citalopram, as it can help some patients.

If that does not help, your doctor may reduce the dose, if possible. Dose reduction can help a few people, especially those who are sensitive to Citalopram.

If you are already on a low dose and Citalopram continues to cause unbearable sleep issues, especially at night, your doctor may switch to another antidepressant. Always consult your doctor first before making any changes to your medication.


In conclusion, Citalopram can have varying effects on sleep patterns in individuals. While some may experience insomnia or awakeness at night as a side effect, others may not.

If you are concerned about changes in your sleep while taking Citalopram, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider for guidance and potential adjustments to your treatment plan.

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