Does Lexapro cause scratchy throat? (5+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro causes scratchy throat as a side effect or not. We will also explore what research suggests on this, the mechanism behind Lexapro causing scratchy throat, the symptoms of a scratchy throat and the managing tips to reduce or prevent this side effect. 

Does Lexapro cause scratchy throat?

Yes, Lexapro may cause a scratchy throat. However, it is not a commonly listed side effect of Lexapro but individuals are unique and they can react differently to medications.

What causes a side effect in one person doesn’t necessarily cause the same side effect in another person. Some antidepressants like Wellbutrin (bupropion) and tricyclic antidepressants like amitryptiline are also known to cause sore throat but as a reversible side effect. (1,2)

Lexapro is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which works by balancing a chemical level in the brain called serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for elevating mood and boosting motivation in a person, thus reducing depression and anxiety. (1)

If you’re experiencing sore throat after starting Lexapro, reach out to your healthcare provider for further guidance.

How does Lexapro cause scratchy throat?

The exact mechanism behind Lexapro (escitalopram) causing scratchy throat is not well clear. However, it is believed that Lexapro as an SSRI, works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. 

This imbalance of serotonin may lead to dehydration as a side effect such as dry mouth. A dry mouth could contribute to a scratchy or sore throat. It’s essential to stay well hydrated and keep your throat moist, especially when you’re experiencing dry mouth while taking Lexapro. (2)

Beyond their primary action, SSRIs like Lexapro may have effects on various body functions. They may indirectly influence the autonomic nervous system of your body and contribute to symptoms like scratchy or dry throat.  (3)

Variations in how individuals react and their bodies metabolize the medications like SSRIs (Lexapro), can also lead to unique side effects. Some individuals can get sore or scratchy throats after using Lexapro because their bodies are not yet adjusted to the dose and the medication is new in their system. (3)

What does research suggest?

There is not much research on sore throat as a notable side effect of Lexapro. However, the responses of individuals to medications are unique and different and some people can indirectly experience side effects like sore or scratchy throat from Lexapro, that are not officially listed in the documentation. (2,3)

Some factors like dehydration, stress and other concurrent conditions, which normally arise from the fluctuations in a brain neurotransmitter called serotonin, could be playing a role in the development of scratchy throat. (4)

Lexapro might also produce flu-like symptoms like itchy or sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes etc as its withdrawal symptoms when a person abruptly stops taking it without gradually tapering off. (4)

Common side effects from Lexapro are reversible and can be gone once your body is adjusted to the medication. So, it’s advisable to be a little patient and not stop taking medication on your own without consulting the doctor who prescribed it. 

What are the symptoms of a scratchy throat while taking Lexapro? 

If you have scratchy throat as a side effect of taking Lexapro, these are some typical symptoms u might experience: (5)

  • Dryness or irritation: You may feel a sensation of dryness or itchiness in your throat.
  • Itchy: Some people describe an itchy or tickling sensation in their throat.
  • Sore: You can feel soreness in your throat which could be mild to moderate, especially when you’re swallowing. 

It’s important to remember that these symptoms could also be due to several environmental factors like dust, allergy, irritants or caused by some other infection like influenza. So consult with your doctor, they will help you identify whether sore throat is related to a medication side effect or not. 

What to do if you’re experiencing Lexapro-induced scratchy throat?

If you suspect that you’re suffering from sore or scratchy throat as a result of taking Lexapro. here are some tips you might follow: (5)

Contact your healthcare provider:

Reach out to your doctor to report the concerning symptoms. They will help you determine if the scratchy throat is due to Lexapro’s side effects or if any other factor is involved.

Do not stop the medication abruptly: 

It’s not recommended to stop the medication suddenly, all at once on your own without consulting a healthcare provider. This can lead to various withdrawal symptoms. Your doctor will ask you to slowly taper off the medication if the side effects persist and change is necessary.

Stay hydrated:

If dryness is contributing to a sore and scratchy throat, staying hydrated is very important. Drink plenty of water to keep your throat moist and to reduce soreness. 

Throat lozenges or sprays:

You can get temporary relief from over-the-counter throat lozenges or sprays for scratch throat, which are easily available. However, ask your doctor before using these products whether they are safe for you and will not interact with the medication. You can also try salt water gargles to alleviate the soreness. (5)

Consider environmental factors:

See if there is anything in your surroundings that might be irritating your throat or could be the trigger of a scratchy throat like dust, smoke, pollens etc. These irritants may cause sinus issues as well so using a humidifier or avoiding exposing yourself to smoke might help in reducing the symptoms. (5)

As a pharmacist, I would educate you that scratchy throat could be the initial side effect of taking Lexapro which is an antidepressant. Once your body is adjusted to the medication or appropriate dosage, these side effects usually diminish on their own over time. 

However, you must monitor your symptoms and notice how your body is responding to the medication and whether you have begun to experience positive and desired therapeutic effects or not. If there are any concerns, communicate with your doctor immediately for further guidance. 

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