Does Lexapro cause psychosis? (3+ risk factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro causes psychosis as a potential side effect or not. We will also discuss what research suggests on this, the link between Lexapro and psychosis, symptoms of psychosis related to Lexapro usage, risk factors of developing psychosis while on Lexapro and management and treatment options for psychosis caused by Lexapro.

Does Lexapro cause psychosis?

Yes, Lexapro may cause psychotic symptoms in some individuals as a rare side effect. Although it’s extremely uncommon, there have been some rare reports of antidepressants including SSRIs like Lexapro being associated with the development of psychosis. (1)

Lexapro (escitalopram) is an antidepressant primarily used for the treatment of depression and anxiety. It belongs to the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs, which work by increasing the levels of a neurotransmitter in the brain called serotonin that helps boost mood. (3)

Psychosis is a mental health condition which may disconnect a person from reality. Individuals who are experiencing psychosis may have altered thoughts, perceptions and emotions that can significantly impair their ability to function normally in their daily lives. They might see, hear or believe things that aren’t real. (4)

Physhosis is not a typical side effect of Lexapro. However, it’s important to note that individual responses to medications can vary and some rare reactions may occur. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of psychosis such as delusions or hallucinations, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly.

How does Lexapro cause psychosis?

The exact mechanisms by which antidepressants like Lexapro might lead to psychosis as a side effect are not fully understood. However, there are some theoretical explanations for how such side effects could occur.

Lexapro (escitalopram) like other SSRIs works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. In some cases, this increase in serotonin may lead to an imbalance in other neurotransmitters like dopamine. Disruptions in dopamine levels can lead to psychotic symptoms in a person. (3,5)

People’s brains can respond differently to medications. Some individuals may be more sensitive to imbalances in neurotransmitter levels than others. Their genetic factors or other individual differences could contribute to the risk of psychosis. (5)

In some cases, If an individual has a pre-existing psychiatric condition then antidepressants may not directly cause psychosis but rather they could exacerbate the symptoms of an underlying condition. 

What does research suggest?

According to research, more and more people are using antidepressants like SSRIs because they are safe and well-tolerated. However, this has led to concerns about an increase in negative reactions to these drugs. (2)

In a study, the psychiatric units of a general hospital were reviewed for 14 months. The researchers found that 8.1% of patients (43 out of 533) were admitted because they were experiencing mania and psychosis related to taking antidepressants like Lexapro. (2)

It’s crucial for individuals taking antidepressants to communicate openly with their healthcare providers about any changes in symptoms or unusual reactions to the medication.

What are the symptoms of psychosis related to Lexapro usage?

Symptoms of psychosis might include: (6)

  • Hallucinations: Seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling things that others do not. Auditory hallucinations can occur with other types of antidepressants as well like Wellbutrin (bupropion) but it’s very rare.
  • Delusions: Holding false and strong beliefs that are not based on reality.
  • Disorganized thinking: Finding it hard to organize thoughts or speak clearly.
  • Paranoia: Feeling suspicious or extreme distrust, like everyone is against them for no reason. 
  • Disrupted behaviour: Unusual behaviour, doing things that are not common for them. 

It’s important to understand that these symptoms are not common side effects of Lexapro. These symptoms could be indicative of some serious reaction or an underlying condition that may need immediate medical attention.

What are the risk factors for psychosis induced by Lexapro?

Risk factors that could potentially contribute to the development of psychosis while taking Lexapro in rare cases, may include: (5,6)

Individual variations: People respond differently to medications and individual differences in brain chemistry may play a role. Some individuals are more sensitive to neurotransmitter imbalance than others. 

Pre-existing psychiatric conditions: Individuals with a history of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may be at a higher risk of experiencing psychotic symptoms.

Personal or family history: A personal or family history of mental health disorders especially those involving psychosis, may increase the risk.

Drug interactions: If you’re taking other medications or substances that could interact with Lexapro, the risk of adverse effects including psychosis greatly increases.

Underlying medical conditions: If you are experiencing certain medical conditions that affect the brain, it may increase susceptibility to adverse reactions.

Age: The risk of developing psychosis is higher in young adults as it is a critical period for brain development. Some mental health disorders including schizophrenia often emerge during this time. However, in older adults dementia or delirium can contribute to psychosis.

If you are experiencing symptoms of psychosis or if there are concerns about mental health, regardless of age, it’s important to seek professional help. 

What are the treatment options for Lexapro-induced psychosis?

Psychosis caused by Lexapro (escitalopram) is very rare. However, treatment options for psychosis may include: (7)

Discontinuation of Lexapro: In some cases, healthcare providers decide to stop or reduce the dose of Lexapro to see if the psychotic symptoms resolve. However, this decision should be made by a qualified healthcare professional.

Switching to another medication: Depending on the individual’s mental health needs, the healthcare provider may consider switching to a different antidepressant or adjusting the treatment plan.

Antipsychotic medications: If the psychotic symptoms are severe then antipsychotic medications can be prescribed. These medications can address the symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. (6)

Psychotherapy: Supportive counselling, such as talking to a therapist can help deal with the emotions and thoughts associated with psychotic symptoms.

If you are experiencing symptoms of psychosis, talk to your doctor right away. Early intervention and appropriate treatment can significantly improve outcomes for individuals experiencing psychotic symptoms.

In my opinion, it’s important to prioritise your mental health and seek professional guidance when facing any concerns or unusual experiences, especially while taking medications like Lexapro. 

While the occurrence of psychosis due to Lexapro is exceptionally rare, it’s important to be aware of potential symptoms and act promptly if they arise. Remember that everyone’s experience is unique and personalized care is vital in addressing individual’s needs and promoting overall well-being.

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