How long after Zyrtec can you take Benadryl?

How long after Zyrtec can you take Benadryl?

You should wait for at least 24 hours after taking Zyrtec to take Benadryl. They both are antihistamines and work to fight against allergies. 

Zyrtec, being a second-generation antihistamine, has a longer duration of action and it stays in your system for about 24 hours, during which I would not recommend taking Benadryl. 

The concomitant use of these two antihistamines can increase the risk of side effects. However, if your health condition requires you to take these two together, your doctor will adjust the dose of one or both of these meds. In usual practice, only one of these antihistamines is used. 

If it fails to achieve the therapeutic purpose, that’s when your doctor may advise you to switch to Benadryl, which is considered slightly better at resolving allergy symptoms. Just make sure you don’t take these meds concomitantly

What are the side effects associated with the concomitant use of Zyrtec and Benadryl? 

The concomitant use of Zyrtec and Benadryl is associated with a number of side effects as both antihistamines may cause the same kind of side effects. These include (1,2):

  • Drowsiness
  • Dry eyes
  • Xerostomia or dry mouth
  • Constipation 
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness 
  • Blurry vision
  • Decreased mental alertness 
  • Forgetfulness 

What to do if you have taken Zyrtec and Benadryl together? 

If you have taken Zyrtec and Benadryl together, it might not significantly harm you. Occasional use is not something to worry about. 

However, repeated use of these two together can increase the risk of side effects and that should be avoided. If you have a severe allergy and you think one medication may not be adequate, talk to your healthcare provider. 

Your doctor will properly diagnose the condition and will determine the exact cause of your allergy. If your condition requires the use of two antihistamines, your doctor will prescribe them. He will also adjust the doses to make the concomitant use safer for you. 

However, consistent use of any two antihistamines together should be avoided and Benadryl or Zyrtec- either of the anti-allergies should not be used with other similar medications like Claritin, Allegra, Dramamine, etc. 

However, oral and nasal antihistamines can be used together for enhanced symptomatic relief without increasing the risk of adverse events.

Final words

To sum up, it is never a smart thing to take two antihistamines together unless your healthcare provider has prescribed a combination of these meds. One antihistamine is generally enough to help resolve your symptoms. 

Taking two similar medications can increase the risk of side effects, which might end up causing you more trouble than helping you. However, if your symptoms are severe and one OTC antihistamine is not helping you much, please reach out to your doctor. 

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