Does Pristiq affect sleep? (+5 factors)

In this article, we will discuss the effects of Pristiq on sleep. We will look at the common factors that impact sleep while taking Pristiq. We will further look at the common side effects of Pristiq on sleep patterns and some tips to manage sleep disturbances caused by Pristiq. 

Does Pristiq affect sleep?

Yes, Pristiq can affect sleep. However, sleep effects due to Pristiq may vary from patient to patient due to different dosages, frequencies, and individual patient variations. therefore, always consult your healthcare provider if you experience sleep disturbances while on Pristiq. 

Pristiq belongs to serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant drugs. These medications work by blocking the serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain which results in an increase in the levels of these neurotransmitters (1). 

based on its mechanism, Pristiq alters the levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain which have a profound effect on mood changes and sleep patterns. Thus, Pristiq affects the sleep patterns in patients by altering the brain chemistry. 

How does Pristiq affect sleep?

Pristiq induces sleep disturbances based on its mechanism of action. However, more studies are required to know the exact process by which Pristiq alters the sleep patterns in patients (2).

Pristiq belongs to SNRI antidepressants which increase the levels and activity of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. This increased effect and activity of these neurotransmitters alter sleep patterns and disrupt sleep regulation (2). 

Alterations in the levels and amount of these neurotransmitters in the brain are associated with mood regulation and sleep disturbances. Pristiq may cause sleep-related side effects such as nightmares, tiredness, irritability, restlessness, and night sweats (3). 

What factors impact Pristiq-induced sleep disturbances?

The following are the factors that impact sleep disturbances while taking Pristiq (2,4):

  • Dosage- The dosage of Pristiq may cause certain side effects including sleep disturbances. Patients taking Pristiq at higher doses are more prone to develop sleep disturbances as compared to those taking it at lower doses. 


  • Timing of administration- The timing of taking medications also impacts the side effects. Your doctor may prescribe you to take Pristiq either in the morning or at night based on your body’s preference and response to the medication. 


  • Concurrent medications- Sleep disturbances are induced if you take Pristiq along with other medications that interfere with each other. 


  • Pre-existing health conditions- Patients with pre-existing sleep conditions such as insomnia or somnolence tend to develop sleep disturbances while taking Pristiq. 


  • Lifestyle- The lifestyle of patients plays an important role in impacting their sleep patterns. Exercise, diet, and stress levels are directly linked to sleep regularity. 


  • Individual patient variations- Each patient reacts varyingly to the medications. Some patients taking Pristiq may suffer from sleep disturbances while others may not. 

How to manage Pristiq-induced sleep disturbances?

To manage sleep disturbances induced by Pristiq, you need to carefully monitor your sleep-related symptoms and their effects on your daily productivity and mental alertness. 

If the sleep disturbances are altering your daily normal routine, then you should seek medical help. Consult your doctor and discuss your side effects and symptoms to get better treatment outcomes. 

Your doctor might lower or reduce the dosage of Pristiq. Lowering the medication dose brings relief in the severity of side effects associated with increased dosage. 

Your doctor may also switch you to another antidepressant that does not cause severe sleep-related side effects and is generally safe and effective in treating and alleviating your symptoms and side effects. 

Another option to get rid of sleep-related side effects associated with Pristiq is to change the medication timing. If you are suffering from excessive sleep, then consider taking Pristiq at night to avoid daytime sleepiness. 

While, if you experience insomnia after taking Pristiq, then you should consider taking it during the daytime, to avoid sleeplessness during the night. However, always change medication timing after consulting with your doctor. 

In conclusion, I would add that antidepressants are generally associated with causing sleep disturbances due to their mechanisms of action and ability to alter brain chemistry. 

However, in the early course of treatment with any antidepressant that you start, give some time to your body to fully adjust and adapt to the medication. In case of severity of side effects and sleep disturbances, seek medical help. 

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