Does Lexapro jitters go away? (+5 factors)

In this article, we will discuss when and how the Lexapro jitters go away, What factors affect the duration of these jitters and how to manage them. We will also discuss when to consult the healthcare provider.

Does Lexapro jitters go away?

Yes, Lexapro-induced jitters go away with time. These side effects are temporary and may improve as the body starts to adjust to the medication. Individual responses can vary from person to person, the restlessness or jitters should gradually subside within a few days to a few weeks of starting the medication.

Restlessness or jitters are considered extrapyramidal symptoms of Lexapro. These effects occur due to modulations in the neurotransmitters of the brain cells by Lexapro (Escitalopram).  The time taken by the body to adjust to the effects of an antidepressant is usually one to weeks. So, the extrapyramidal symptoms also subside within this period. 

Consulting your healthcare provider is crucial for personalized guidance and addressing any concerns related to these side effects. 

How long do Lexapro jitters usually last?

When you start taking Lexapro, you may experience the side effects of restlessness or jitters caused by the medication. According to the research studies, the jitters may last for about two weeks (1). This is the same amount of time your body takes to get used to the medication. 

So, the jitters caused by SSRI or Lexapro are due to the effects of this drug on the neurotransmitters in the brain causing an increase in their levels (2). Lexapro is usually prescribed for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Increased levels of serotonin may be the cause of its side effects including restlessness (2).

Once the body accepts this change in levels, the side effects related to these serotonin levels may subside (3). 

What factors affect the duration of jitters induced by Lexapro?

The duration and severity of jitters caused by the use of Lexapro may depend on the Physiological and pharmacological factors. These may include:

  • Physiological factors 
  • Pharmacological fators

Physiological factors

Each individual has a different body physiology. This decides how and what effects a drug can have on the body. The physiological factors may involve the following:

Individual sensitivity: Every individual reacts differently to the medications. Some individuals may be more sensitive to the effects of medication than others. If you are generally sensitive to the effects of the medication, you may experience the jitters more accurately.

Age and metabolism: Age can also be a factor. The rate at which the body metabolises or processes a drug depends on the age. The metabolic rate of the body varies with age and affects the duration of the effects caused by that drug on the body (4).

Pharmacological factors

The duration of a therapeutic or side effect of Lexapro highly depends on the pharmacological factors especially the dose of Lexapro. Other such factors are discussed below.  

Dosage: The initial dose can impact the severity and duration of the side effects. Higher doses are more likely to produce stronger effects than lower doses. These effects also include side effects like restlessness or jitters. 

Medication history: If you have taken some similar medicine such as other SSRIs or SNRIs and have had specific reactions to antidepressants, your body’s response to Lexapro may differ.

Treatment compliance: Antidepressants like Lexapro are to be taken in exact doses as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Missing doses or not following the prescribed regimen may prolong the side effects caused by it. 

Underlying health conditions: Underlying health conditions can indeed cause an increase in the severity of the side effects. Conditions like anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and some physical health conditions such as heart or liver issues may increase the duration of the side effects (5).

When to consult your healthcare provider?

Consulting a healthcare provider is essential when experiencing jitters while taking Lexapro to ensure safe and effective management of this side effect. Many individuals find these initial side effects to diminish over time. There are specific situations in which you should seek professional guidance.   

The following are to be considered and the doctors should be immediately informed if the following is observed.

  • If jitters persist beyond the initial weeks of starting Lexapro.
  • If jitters worsen or get severe over time.
  • If the jitters interfere with the normal routine.
  • If a new or concerning symptom emerges along with the jitters. 

Open communication with the healthcare provider is essential in case of a record of a medical condition such as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder.

How to manage Lexapro-induced jitters?

Managing Lexapro-induced jitters or initial restlessness or anxiety can be done through various strategies. Here are some professional recommendations for managing these side effects.  

Wait it out: In some cases, the jitters subside after a week or two when the body starts to adjust to the effects of the medication. Your healthcare provider may suggest you wait and observe if they go away within 7-14 days. 

Dosage adjustment: Your healthcare provider may consider adjusting your Lexapro dose. Starting with lower doses and gradually increasing the dose can help minimize the effects. This approach is often recommended to those who are more sensitive to the medication.

Supportive medication: Your healthcare provider, in some cases, may prescribe a low-dose, short-term medication to help manage the initial anxiety or restlessness.  The medications may include benzodiazepines, anxiolytics or antidepressants. 

Coping strategies: Engage in coping strategies to manage anxiety and restlessness. The strategies may include deep breathing, regular physical activity, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and a restful sleep pattern. 

Diet and nutrition: Limit caffeine intake, and avoid excessive sugar and processed foods as they can exacerbate the restlessness caused by Lexapro. 

Monitoring: Careful monitoring can be helpful, Keep a journal and track your symptoms. Keep a record and share it with your healthcare provider. This will help him suggest a better treatment plan.

What are some common side effects of Lexapro?

Lexapro or escitalopram is an antidepressant from the class SSRIs. It is commonly indicated for anxiety and depression. It has a well-tolerated profile. However, the following are the few reported side effects (6). 

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Sexual side effects
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Increased anxiety
  • Agitation


In my perspective, Lexapro causes various side effects and jitters or restlessness are also included. However, these side effects subside after a week or two. When the body starts to adjust to the effects produced by the drugs. 

In cases where one or more factors are influencing the condition, the duration may be prolonged. In such situations, consulting your healthcare provider is the best choice. 




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