Does Lexapro cause you to zone out? (3+ findings)

In this article, we will discuss whether Lexapro can cause you to zone out or not, the mechanism of action of Lexapro-induced zoning out, research study findings on the correlation between cognitive impairment and Lexapro, what to do if Lexapro causes you to zone out, and suitable Lexapro alternatives if it causes you to zone out.

Does Lexapro cause you to zone out?

Yes, taking Lexapro can cause you to zone out. Lexapro may make you feel groggy or sleepy. The first few weeks after starting the medication are when you’ll most likely experience this side effect.

The NLM (National Library of Medicine) advises against driving while taking Lexapro until after you have experienced the effects of the medicine.

Lexapro is the brand name of the medication escitalopram, an antidepressant that is used to treat depression and anxiety. It is a member of the SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class of medication. (1)

When high levels of serotonin affect a certain area of the brain, such as the dorsal raphe nucleus, they can cause you to sleep, which is how Lexapro works by assisting in the restoration of the balance of serotonin in the brain. This could be the reason why some people experience sleepiness and zoning out after taking Lexapro. (2)

What does research suggest?

To test the cognitive effects of the SSRIs (escitalopram 20 mg dose), a double-blinded controlled study was conducted. sixty-six healthy men and women participated in the study and completed a cognitive test.

At three different time points, participants’ mood states and drug side effects were assessed using computerized visual analogue scales.

Goal-directed learning, cognitive flexibility, response inhibition, and emotional regulation are just a few of the executive functions that serotonin is thought to play a role in. Several psychiatric diseases, including depression, disrupt these abilities.

Escitalopram’s effects on cognitive and emotional performance in healthy volunteers are demonstrated in this study to be reliable. Similar to what is seen in depressive disorders, acute doses of escitalopram reduced learning and increased responsiveness to deceptive negative feedback.

The findings demonstrated that escitalopram treatment decreased cognitive flexibility and learning, but enhanced response inhibition. (3)

The study concluded that escitalopram in high doses can decrease cognitive learning in some individuals, resulting in zoning out.

What should you do if Lexapro causes you to zone out?

If Lexapro causes you to zone out, you should take the following steps:

  • Contact your healthcare provider immediately. To see if the symptoms go away, your healthcare provider may decide to lower your Lexapro dosage at first.
  • Your healthcare provider may perform the appropriate tests and diagnoses to rule out any underlying medical illnesses such as seizures, transient ischemic attack, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that could cause zoning out.
  • Daydreaming (zoning out) can be a side effect of a medicine combination, especially psychotropic drugs (a combination of antidepressants, antipsychotics, or anxiolytics). Your healthcare provider may decide to change the dosage of your medications.

What Lexapro alternatives do not cause you to zone out?

Bupropion (Wellbutrin), an antidepressant, is an alternative to Lexapro that doesn’t cause you to zone out. It may also have less emotional blunting than SSRIs.

The antidepressant medication bupropion belongs to a class of medications known as Norepinephrine Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors (NDRIs). Buprion predominantly impacts dopamine levels instead of serotonin levels, lessening the likelihood of emotional blunting and drowsiness. (4)

Important tips for enhancing your focus while taking Lexapro

You can increase your focus by following a number of important tips, some of which are as follows:

  • Refrain from multitasking. Attempting to complete several things at once puts additional strain on the attention and focus regions of the brain. 
  • Engage in mindfulness exercises. Breathing deeply and taking a stroll while observing your surroundings can help you practice mindfulness.
  • Spend time in nature. Time spent in nature may improve cognitive abilities.
  • Exercise is a good idea because it has been shown to boost academic achievement, and regular exercise can help with focus and concentration. (5)
  • Consume a healthy diet. Diet might affect how well you think. Fat-rich food and sweets may make it difficult to concentrate. Vitamins, vegetables, fruits, and minerals may support the development of mental clarity, and sharpness.
  • You may sharpen your focus and engage your brain by playing games like crosswords, and memory-matching. These mental exercises test your cognitive talents and stimulate your mind. (6)


If used in excess, Lexapro can cause you to zone out. However, this side effect varies from person to person. My understanding and research indicate that Lexapro may cause some people to learn less cognitively. If you suffer drowsiness while using Lexapro, speak with your physician about lowering your dose or switching medications.

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Escitalopram: MedlinePlus Drug Information [Internet]. 2022. Available from: 


Lexapro Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing – WebMD [Internet]. Available from: 


Skandali N, Rowe JB, Voon V, Deakin JB, Cardinal RN, Cormack F, et al. Dissociable effects of acute SSRI (escitalopram) on executive, learning and emotional functions in healthy humans. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 Sep 26;43(13):2645–51. Available from: 


Bupropion: MedlinePlus Drug Information [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 24]. Available from:,ADHD%3B%20more%20difficulty%20focusing%2C%20controlling 


Mandolesi L, Polverino A, Montuori S, Foti F, Ferraioli G, Sorrentino P, et al. Effects of physical exercise on cognitive functioning and wellbeing: Biological and psychological benefits. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018 Apr 27;9(9). Available from: 


Ching-Teng Y. Effect of board game activities on cognitive function improvement among older adults in adult day care centers. Social Work in Health Care. 2019 Aug 21;1–14. Available from: 

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