Does Lexapro affect athletic performance? (+5 effects)

In this article, we will explore whether Lexapro has effects on athlete performance or not. In addition to this, the benefits and risks associated with Lexapro in athletes taking it and the considerations for the prescription of Lexapro to athletes will also be discussed

Does Lexapro affect athletic performance?

Lexapro may affect athletic performance but the impact varies among individuals. Lexapro does not directly affect athletic performance. It tends to potentially lead to effects such as fatigue, weight gain, changes in muscle coordination and hydration issues, which may indirectly affect performance.

Lexapro can also positively affect athletic performance by improving the psychological well-being of a patient.

However, these effects are not uniform and some individuals may not even experience significant impact. Consulting a healthcare professional is essential for personalized guidance and to assess the specific impact on an individual’s athletic performance.  

Communication with the healthcare provider is essential for those who take Lexapro and might participate in sports as an adjustment to medications and personalized strategies might be important to discuss to optimize both mental and athletic performance.

What does research suggest?

Research on the use of SSRIs, including Lexapro (Escitalopram) and its impact on athletic performance has provided valuable insights into the experiences of athletes dealing with anxiety and depression.

Antidepressants can affect athletic performance. In a research study, it was found that patients with depression had lower isokinetic muscle performance levels (IMP) compared to healthy controls. However, after three months of treatment with SSRIs, the IMP levels increased significantly (1).

Another study by Harvey et. al suggested that different antidepressants can have variable effects on the performance of an athlete (2).

Another study explored the use of both long-term and short-term SSRIs on strength and intense exercise performance. The findings indicated that on a broader scale, the SSRIs did not significantly impact or hinder the performance of athletes. This is reassuring for an athlete who is taking Lexapro for their mental health (3).

Lexapro does not necessarily hinder performance but it can also be a valuable tool for managing anxiety and depression in athletes.

What are the potential risks of using Lexapro in athletes? 

Lexapro (Escitalopram) is an antidepressant used to treat anxiety and depression. It belongs to the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. It works by potentiating the levels of serotonin in the brain cells. 

Lexapro does not directly affect athletic performance but it may hinder  the activity by showing multiple side effects which include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Hydration
  • Effects on muscle coordination


Lexapro can cause fatigue as a side effect in some individuals (4). Fatigue can cause reductions in energy levels and motivation for physical activity, impacting athletic performance. Athletes may find it challenging to maintain their usual level of intensity during workouts or competitions while experiencing this side effect.

Weight gain

Lexapro can lead to weight gain in some individuals (5). For athletes, especially for those in sports with weight classifications, this can be a concern. Excessive weight gain can lead to a change in the body’s performance and can hinder physical activity.

Hydration and heat sensitivity

Lexapro can cause increased sweating and reduced thirst, potentially affecting hydration during exercise, especially in hot strenuous conditions. Athletes should be mindful of staying adequately hydrated to avoid any dehydration cases. 

Effect on muscle coordination

Some individuals may experience minor changes in muscle coordination or reaction time while taking Lexapro (6). Although these changes are usually subtle, athletes involved in sports require quick reactions and should be cautious of this effect. Athletes need to discuss these issues with their healthcare providers.

What are the potential benefits of taking Lexapro for athletes?

Lexapro is not only associated with risk factors for the performance of an athlete, but it can also be beneficial for athletic performance. As the effects vary from person to person. Following are some reasons how Lexapro can benefit the athletes:

  • Improved mental health
  • Increased focus
  • Reduced performance anxiety

Improved mental health

Lexapro is primarily prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression (7). For athletes, maintaining good mental health is crucial. Lexapro can help reduce feelings of anxiety, depression and sadness, potentially enhancing an athlete’s psychological well-being and resilience.

Increased focus

The focus and concentration of an athlete can be increased if the symptoms of anxiety and depression are reduced. Athletes often require a high level of concentration and focus during their training,  performances and competitions.  Improved mental clarity can help an athlete in optimising performance. 

Reduced performance anxiety

Many athletes experience performance-related anxiety commonly known as stage fright or choking (8). Lexapro can help mitigate these symptoms, allowing athletes to perform at their best without the overwhelming anxiety that may hinder their capabilities. 

It is important to note that the beneficial effects of Lexapro in an athlete will vary from person to person. It may not benefit everyone due to the variability of effects. 

What are the considerations for prescribing Lexapro to athletes?

Prescribing Lexapro to athletes requires careful evaluations and considerations of various factors to ensure both their mental wellness and athletic performance are optimally balanced. Here are some critical limitations and considerations.

  • Before prescribing Lexapro, a thorough assessment is essential. This includes a detailed evaluation of athletes’s mental health and signs and symptoms of depression. A clear diagnosis and assessment of the severity is important before prescribing Lexapro to an athlete. 


  • The athlete’s specific needs, goals, routine and nature of their sports should be taken into account. An individualized treatment plan should be made for athletes.
  • Healthcare professionals must closely monitor the response of an athlete to the prescribed treatment. Some may benefit from improved mental health while some may suffer due to side effects. 


  • Athletes may be taking multiple medications and supplements. Healthcare professionals should assess potential drug interactions between Lexapro and other substances to ensure safety and efficacy.


  • Educating athletes about the consistent use of medication is crucial. Non-adherence can impact the effectiveness of the treatment.


  • In some sports, using certain medications such as Lexapro may be restricted.  Athletes and healthcare professionals should be aware of any potential anti-doping regulations.



To conclude, I can say that Lexapro can have effects on athlete’s performance. However, these effects can be beneficial or may lead to risk factors. Beneficial effects are due to the alleviation of signs and symptoms of depressionn and anxiety and risk may be generated due to potential side effects. 

The overall effects show variations with different individuals.





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