Does gas from Lexapro go away? 

This brief article will answer the question, “Does gas from Lexapro go away?”. We will discuss the common occurrence of gas and bloating as side effects of Lexapro, especially in individuals who are new to the medication or antidepressants in general. 

Additionally, the article will explore some strategies to manage gas from Lexapro, including natural remedies.

Does gas from Lexapro go away? 

Gas and bloating caused by Lexapro do go away within a few weeks of your treatment. These side effects are quite common, especially in people who are new to Lexapro or antidepressants in general (1). 

This happens because your body doesn’t recognize the medication and it takes some time to adjust to the effects it causes. Make sure you don’t stop taking Lexapro because of the side effects. If you’re concerned about anything, just reach out to your doctor. 

These side effects are not generally considered disturbing and are common among Lexapro users. Some people may feel gassy and bloated because of Lexapro-induced acid reflux, but again it’s all temporary. 

Antidepressants can take up to 4-6 weeks to start working and most of the side effects subside within this time period (2,3). 

What are some strategies to manage gas from Lexapro?

Some strategies that you can use to manage gas  and bloating from Lexapro are:

Try natural remedies 

There are plenty of natural remedies to help control gas and bloating caused by medications or in general. Let’s take a look at them:

  • Ginger tea can help release the excessive gasses in your stomach and provide symptomatic relief for a number of gastrointestinal symptoms (4). Just boil a piece of ginger in some water for a few minutes. Let the mixture cool down for a bit. Add a teaspoon of honey for some sweetness and drink this tea half an hour after your meals. 
  • Fennel and peppermint also have some great qualities when it comes to aiding digestion (5). You can make tea by taking a few leaves of fresh peppermint and a teaspoon of fennel seed in some water. Bring that to a boil and let it cool down to a lukewarm temperature. You can add a few drops of lemon in it and honey to taste. 

Avoid trigger foods

Maintaining a healthy diet can help you a lot with gas and bloating. Consuming heavy meals can make your stomach bulkier and increase Lexapro-induced gastrointestinal side effects. This is why make sure you keep your diet light and healthy. Avoid greasy and spicy foods (6) 

Do not overeat 

It is also important to not overeat or overfill your stomach. The more food you eat, the more your stomach works to digest it. This increases flatulence and bloating. It’s best to fill 1/3rd of your stomach with food to help keep your gastrointestinal symptoms at bay (6). 

Walk a mile after dinner

Walking slowly after dinner can help increase the release of gastric fluids and digestive enzymes, which can significantly enhance the process of digestion. It also helps your body relax and prepares your brain to sleep (7).

Is there an alternative to Lexapro that does not cause gas?

It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to explore alternative medication options if gas and bloating caused by Lexapro are persistent or bothersome. They can provide guidance and suggest alternative antidepressants that may have fewer gastrointestinal side effects.

That being said, there are several alternative antidepressant medications available that may have a lower likelihood of causing gas as a side effect compared to Lexapro (8). 

Some of these alternatives include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), as well as other classes of antidepressants such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (8).

It is important to keep in mind that individual responses to medications can vary, and what works well for one person may not work as effectively for another. 

Healthcare professionals will consider factors such as the individual’s medical history, current symptoms, and potential drug interactions before recommending an alternative medication.


This article addressed the question, “Does gas from Lexapro go away?”. It discussed the common occurrence of gas and bloating as side effects of Lexapro, particularly in individuals new to the medication or antidepressants in general. 

The article explored strategies to manage gas from Lexapro, including the use of natural remedies such as ginger tea, fennel, and peppermint.

Additionally, it emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding trigger foods, practicing portion control, and incorporating post-dinner walks for improved digestion. 

By following these strategies, individuals can effectively manage and alleviate the temporary gas and bloating associated with Lexapro, enhancing their overall treatment experience.

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