Does Escitalopram cause forgetfulness? (+3 tips)

In this article, we will study whether Escitalopram causes forgetfulness. We will also discuss some research studies and what one should do if this side effect occurs.

Does Escitalopram cause forgetfulness?

Escitalopram can cause forgetfulness, especially during the early course of your treatment. However, it is not a common side effect of this antidepressant and forgetfulness is more commonly linked to the mental health conditions that Escitalopram can help treat.

It is common for people with depression to forget and be unable to focus on their surroundings. Some may feel numb and disconnected. They might forget where they are, who they are talking to or what they are doing.

Escitalopram, as an antidepressant, is expected to help with these conditions (1). However, when people first start taking Escitalopram, it may cause forgetfulness. This happens because it takes time for a person to adjust to Escitalopram and the changes it causes in the brain.

When memory-related side effects occur, they are often mild and temporary. Some people may notice problems with concentration or short-term memory while they are taking Escitalopram, but these issues typically resolve when the medication is discontinued or after the body adjusts to it.

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on Escitalopram-induced forgetfulness. However, antidepressants in general can cause memory issues when taken initially.

It is also important to note that Escitalopram being an antidepressant can also help people with forgetfulness associated with depression.

One study indicated that using antidepressants in older people was linked to a higher chance of developing dementia (memory loss) and forgetfulness. This means doctors, caregivers and patients should think about both the good and bad effects of taking antidepressants in later life and find the right balance (2).

Escitalopram-induced forgetfulness is only temporary. Once Escitalopram takes full effect and the body adjusts to it, many people find an improvement, in their ability to focus. 

One study indicated that Escitalopram helped adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) get better in terms of memory and their mental well-being (3).

What factors can contribute to forgetfulness while taking Escitalopram? 

Forgetfulness while taking Escitalopram can vary from person to person, but certain factors may make some individuals more prone to experiencing memory-related issues with this medication. These factors include:

Dosage: Higher doses of Escitalopram may increase the likelihood of forgetfulness.

Age: Older adults, in general, may be more susceptible to memory-related side effects while taking Escitalopram.

Pre-existing conditions: Individuals with pre-existing memory problems or cognitive impairment may be more vulnerable to forgetfulness while taking Escitalopram.

Drug interactions: Drug interactions with other medications or substances can increase the risk of forgetfulness by the individual.

Duration of use: Long-term use of Escitalopram may be associated with a higher likelihood of forgetful symptoms.

Diet: Using alcohol and caffeine while taking Escitalopram can result in difficulty focusing and forgetfulness.

If you are concerned with forgetfulness or other memory-related side effects while taking Escitalopram and other antidepressants like Citalopram and Sertraline, it is important to discuss them with your health provider.

What to do if Escitalopram causes forgetfulness?

If Escitalopram affects your memory directly or indirectly, you should discuss it with your doctor. Escitalopram is a good antidepressant but it might not be the best choice for everyone.

Your healthcare provider will examine your current symptoms, other underlying health conditions, and your response to the treatment. They may adjust the dosage of the medication or may switch to another antidepressant if necessary.

However, you don’t make any changes to your prescription without consulting your doctor first.

How to manage forgetfulness while taking Escitalopram?

Here are some tips to manage forgetfulness while taking Escitalopram:

  • Quit smoking as it may increase the risk of memory impairment.
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet, take vitamin supplements and ensure enough quality sleep to improve the symptoms of forgetfulness.
  • Physical activity is a great stress reliever and can boost your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood-lifters. Even a brisk walk or yoga session can make a significant difference (4).
  • Playing games like crosswords or memory-matching games can stimulate your brain and improve focus. These activities challenge your cognitive abilities and keep your mind active (5).
  • Dehydration can affect cognitive abilities. Drinking enough water is essential for overall brain function. 


Based on my personal experience and the information available, I have found that Escitalopram, an antidepressant, may affect cognitive function and memory in some individuals. While it is not a common or severe side effect, it is essential to be aware of potential memory issues when taking this medication.

Remember, individuals responses to medications can vary, so open communication with a healthcare professional is crucial in managing any concerns related to Escitalopram and memory.




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