Does Citalopram make your body overheat? (3+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Citalopram causes overheating. We will also discuss some factors influencing overheating while taking Citalopram and what one should do if this side effect occurs.

Does Citalopram make your body overheat?

Citalopram may cause body overheating in some cases. However, this is not a common side effect and the incidence is low.

Citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), is an antidepressant typically used for treating mental health conditions like depression and anxiety (1).

The side effects of Citalopram can differ from person to person depending on age, medication dosage and the overall physiological well-being of an individual.

If you notice any side effects or any concerning symptoms while taking Citalopram, it is important to consult your healthcare provider.

What does research suggest?

There is limited research indicating Citalopram-induced overheating because it is a rare side effect of Citalopram.

One study indicated that when a person is exposed to heat, their body temperature increases, and the administration of Citalopram in such individuals further raises their body temperature. This suggested that both heat and Citalopram affect a part of the brain related to temperature regulation (2).

If you are experiencing overheating while taking Citalopram, it is important to discuss these concerns with your healthcare provider. They can guide you on potential side effects associated with the use of Citalopram.

How does Citalopram affect body temperature?

Citalopram is expected to cause body overheating in the following ways:

Neurotransmitter impact: Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) which means it affects the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is involved in various physiological processes, including temperature control. Changes in serotonin levels may impact the body’s ability to regulate temperature.

Sweating: Citalopram is known to cause increased sweating in some individuals. Sweating is a natural way for the body to regulate its temperature and excessive sweating can lead to a feeling of overheating.

Factors contributing to Citalopram-induced body overheating

Citalopram-induced body overheating, although uncommon, may be influenced by various factors, including:

Dosage: Higher doses of Citalopram may be more likely to cause overheating by affecting the body’s regulatory systems. So individuals especially new users should be prescribed the lowest possible dose to minimize the risk of these side effects.

Medication interactions: Concurrent use of other medication with Citalopram can increase the risk of drug-drug interactions leading to body overheating as a side effect.

Metabolism: Variations in how the body metabolizes Citalopram can impact its effects on body temperature.

Weather and environment: Some environmental factors, such as hot weather and a warm living environment, can increase the sensation of overheating while taking Citalopram.

Underlying health conditions: Pre-existing health conditions, such as thyroid issues, can influence how Citalopram affects body temperature.

Individual sensitivity: Some individuals may be more sensitive to the effects of Citalopram, including changes in body temperature.

It is essential to discuss any concerns about overheating with your healthcare provider, as they can help determine the cause and adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

What to do if Citalopram causes body overheating?

Reach out to your healthcare provider if you feel overheating after taking Citalopram. Although it is quite rare, it could still affect you and your treatment with Citalopram significantly.

Your doctor may reduce your dose to see if it works. If you start doing well on this antidepressant, your doctor will increase the dose gradually. However, if this side effect persists even with a lower dose, your doctor will most likely switch you to another antidepressant.

Always remember not to discontinue Citalopram without consulting your healthcare provider as it may cause “discontinuation syndrome” characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations, increased blood pressure, agitation, nausea, fatigue and in severe cases coma. These symptoms are commonly known as withdrawal symptoms (3).


In conclusion, while Citalopram may cause overheating in some individuals, it may vary from person to person. If you have concerns about overheating while taking Citalopram, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider. They can help assess your responses to the medication and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

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