Does Citalopram cause easy bruising? (3+ warning signs)

In this article, we will discuss whether Citalopram causes easy bruising. Furthermore, we will discuss what research suggests, why Citalopram causes bruising, other side effects of Citalopram and how to deal with excessive bruising.

Does Citalopram cause easy bruising?

Yes, easy bruising is a potential side effect of Citalopram, although it is not commonly reported. Citalopram is an antidepressant from the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Bruising is a side effect that might be observed in patients taking Citalopram, however, it highly depends on the body’s physiology and the genetic susceptibility of the patient which varies from person to person.

Easy bruising occurs when the blood vessels below the skin are more prone to breaking and bleeding causing bruises to appear even from a minor trauma. Age, skin sensitivity, dietary intake and genetics play important factors in skin bruising.

How does Citalopram cause easy bruising?

Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that affects the levels of serotonin in the body. These altered serotonin levels can cause prevention of platelet aggregation as the platelets in the blood do not receive enough serotonin, which can cause bleeding (1).

Citalopram can affect the blood’s ability to properly clot and the blood starts to collect under the skin giving rise to bruises. Along with other SSRIs,  Citalopram (Celexa) also makes the body more susceptible to easy bruising (2).

Research studies on Citalopram-induced bruising

A study conducted in 2018 concluded that Citalopram, being an SSRI causes the inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Platelet aggregation is the process that causes blood to clot and this stops the bleeding. However, if this process is inhibited, the vessels may bleed easily and the blood may clump or form a clot under the skin causing the formation of bruises (3).

In addition to this, multiple studies performed during the years 2010 and 2012 have concluded a similar role of Citalopram (Celexa) in causing easy bruising on the body. Although gastrointestinal bleeding is more common and easy bruising is a rare side effect of taking Citalopram (4,5).

The exact mechanism by which Citalopram causes the formation of bruises is not completely understood. However, it is believed that it might be related to the impact of platelet functioning, clotting of blood and the blood vessels’ integrity in the body.

Warning signs: When to consult a doctor?

Citalopram (Celexa) causes easy bruising. If taking the medication is causing the appearance of bruises on the skin it is advisable to consult the doctor because bruising can be a medical issue that may signify a health complication.

The following can be the warning signs.

  • Your bruises are becoming larger, more frequent and more painful
  • It appears that you are bleeding beneath the surface of the skin.
  • Bruises are not healing promptly or are taking an extended time to heal.
  • You observe other concerning symptoms such as fever, changes in skin colour, a notable decrease in energy levels, or episodes of nausea.

It is essential to seek appropriate care and treatment for these symptoms by a Healthcare Professional.

How to treat Citalopram-induced bruising?

The following steps should be considered for the management of citalopram-induced bruising:

  • Schedule an appointment with your physician to discuss the severity of bruises.
  • Your physician or healthcare provider might switch your medication with fewer side effects to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Ensure that your diet is well-balanced and includes essential nutrients like vitamin K and C which improves the blood vessels’ health.
  • Avoid medications, alcohol or other substances that may have a blood thinning effect.
  • Over-the-counter creams and ointments like Arnica Gel can be used to reduce the appearance of bruising and promote faster healing.

It is essential to remember that individual responses to medication vary from patient to patient. Your healthcare provider is the most reliable source of treating your medication-related problems and complications.

Never make abrupt changes to your medication without consulting your doctor, as doing so may have adverse consequences.

Other side effects of Citalopram

Other side effects of Citalopram included the following (6,7,8).

The list of common side effects are:

The less common side effects of Citalopram include:


Patients taking Citalopram are susceptible to easy bruising. However, it is a rare side effect of Citalopram. Citalopram is a safe drug to use as compared to other SSRIs. It is well-tolerated.

If a patient is facing a lot of side effects then consulting the doctor is the most crucial step. The doctor will provide you with an alternative drug treatment based on his evaluation.

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