Does Cipralex affect memory? (+3 studies)

This article answers the question, “Does Cipralex affect memory?” We will investigate scientific evidence and provide some beneficial tips.

Does Cipralex affect memory?

Cipralex (Escitalopram), typically does not have a negative impact on memory. In fact, many people report positive effects on memory while taking it. 

While some antidepressants, like SSRIs, can have memory-related side effects or contribute to cognitive issues, substantial evidence suggests that escitalopram may be an exception. 

Individual responses, however, may differ. While taking Cipralex, you may experience mental confusion and memory problems, but the likelihood of experiencing positive memory effects appears to be higher.

What does research suggest?

Research on the effects of escitalopram, commonly known as Cipralex, on memory, reveals a range of insights from multiple studies. 

In one study involving healthy adults, sub-acute administration of escitalopram did not appear to have a significant impact on cognitive function during a working memory task, suggesting that its influence on memory in this population is limited. (1)

Research showed a more favourable outcome when focusing on stroke patients. Escitalopram was found to have a beneficial effect on both immediate and delayed memory. (2)

A similar trend emerged in studies involving elderly depressed patients, where escitalopram treatment significantly improved affective and cognitive symptoms, particularly enhancing memory for negative facial stimuli. (3) 

Further investigations included individuals with major depressive disorder, and the results demonstrated that both escitalopram and bupropion XL were associated with memory improvement and improved psychosocial function in these patients. (4)

These findings indicate that escitalopram has a neutral effect on working memory in healthy adults. Moreover, they emphasise its potential for memory enhancement, particularly in stroke patients and the elderly. 

What to do if Cipralex affects memory negatively?

Although the incidence of memory-related side effects with escitalopram is generally low, the concern is justified because other SSRIs, such as sertraline and Celexa, have been linked to memory problems. (5)

So if you are experiencing memory-related issues while on escitalopram, the first step should be to discuss these concerns with your doctor.

Your doctor can assess the situation and explore potential solutions, including dosage adjustments or switching to an alternative medication.

Keep track of your symptoms by maintaining a journal. This will help you identify patterns and give your healthcare provider essential insights into your experience.

Lifestyle changes to support memory

Lifestyle changes can also help you in supporting memory, such as 

  • Good sleep hygiene is beneficial for memory and cognitive function. Ensure you are getting sufficient sleep each night and create a conducive sleep environment.
  • Regular physical activity improves cognitive function and memory. Engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.
  • A nutritious diet that is rich in fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains can support cognitive health and memory.
  • Dehydration can negatively impact cognitive function and memory. Maintain good hydration by drinking an ample amount of water each day.
  • Stress can contribute to memory issues. Implement relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to mitigate its impact.

Points to remember while taking Cipralex

  • Take Cipralex at the same time daily for consistency.
  • Be patient; it may take 4-6 weeks for improvements to show.
  • Don’t abruptly stop your dose to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
  • Start with a low dose and increase it gradually under your doctor’s guidance.
  • If Cipralex causes sleep issues, take it in the morning.
  • Never adjust the dose on your own; consult your doctor.
  • Take Cipralex with or without food as advised by your doctor.
  • Share all medications and supplements in your current use with your doctor to avoid potential interactions.
  • Avoid alcohol while on Cipralex, as it can amplify side effects.


In summary, Cipralex has been linked to a minimal effect on memory and, in many cases, memory enhancement. While the likelihood of cognitive challenges is generally low, it is important to recognise that individual responses can vary. As a result, open communication with a healthcare provider is also essential.

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