Does Bupropion cause tingling as a side effect? 

Does Bupropion cause tingling as a side effect? 

Bupropion may or may not cause tingling or pins-and-needles sensation as a side effect. It is not frequently reported and is listed as a less common side effect of Bupropion. 

Some people may also feel this way during a panic attack or an episode of severe anxiety. If you feel this way during the early course of your treatment with Bupropion, it will start to get better when your body adjusts to the medication. 

Bupropion alters the number of excitatory neurotransmitters in your brain, which may affect your nerves at first – but most side effects start to go away within a few weeks. However, make sure you don’t pair Bupropion with anything that may contribute to this side effect, like alcohol, Cannabidiol (CBD), etc. 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on the effects of Bupropion on nerve function. However, the antidepressant is associated with a specific effect on nerve function, which could be linked to how the antidepressant generally works and alters the number of chemicals in the brain (1,2). 

In some cases, individuals taking Bupropion may experience impairment of sensory function in the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sensation in the face.

A 2000 case report included a 38-year-old female patient with schizoaffective disorder and rapid cycling was presented. The patient was prescribed Bupropion to treat a depressive episode (3). 

After four weeks of successful treatment with bupropion, the patient experienced a specific sensory impairment on one side of her face, affecting the trigeminal nerve function. When bupropion was discontinued, the symptoms completely resolved. 

However, when the patient was re-exposed to bupropion, mild symptoms returned, leading to the final decision to discontinue the medication permanently. This indicates that Bupropion is potentially linked to the impairment of nerve functions in some people (4). 

What to do if Bupropion causes tingling? 

Talk to your healthcare provider if Bupropion causes tingling or pins-and-needles sensation. This side effect is not that common or concerning, but antidepressants affect people differently. 

If Bupropion makes you feel that way during the early course of your treatment or if your dose has recently increased, your doctor may try dose reduction to help stop tingling. 

However, if Bupropion continues to make you feel this way, your doctor may switch you to another antidepressant. Make sure you don’t stop using Bupropion without consulting your doctor first. 

Abrupt antidepressant withdrawal can be quite dangerous and can cause far more disturbing side effects than tingling.

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Dhillon S, Yang LP, Curran MP. Bupropion: a review of its use in the management of major depressive disorder. Drugs. 2008;68(5):653-89. doi: 10.2165/00003495-200868050-00011. Erratum in: Drugs. 2008;68(7):980. PMID: 18370448.


Amann B, Hummel B, Rall-Autenrieth H, Walden J, Grunze H. Bupropion-induced isolated impairment of sensory trigeminal nerve function. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000 Mar;15(2):115-6. doi: 10.1097/00004850-200015020-00008. PMID: 10759343.


Alberter AA, Chambers AJ, Wills BK. Bupropion Toxicity. 2022 Dec 12. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 35593803.

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