Can you take Benadryl with NyQuil?

Can you take Benadryl with NyQuil?

No, it is not recommended to take Benadryl with NyQuil as they both contain antihistamines that work in the exact same way. Benadryl contains Diphenhydramine, whereas NyQuil contains Doxylamine, which is another antihistamine. 

Taking two similar meds together is not generally necessary and they can cause additive side effects. Usually, one antihistamine is enough to deal with your symptoms unless you have a severe allergy and your prescribing physician recommends taking two antihistamines.

Side effects associated with the combined use of Benadryl and NyQuil

The combined use of Benadryl and NyQuil can cause a number of side effects, as both of these meds contain sedating antihistamines. The commonly expected side effects include (1,2):

  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Dizziness 
  • Drowsiness 
  • Tiredness 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Dry eyes

These side effects are not the same in every case and some people might not even tell the difference if they take these two together, but it’s not recommended to do so. 

However, there might be some severe or comorbid allergic reactions that may require the use of both Benadryl with NyQuil. Such a case is usually handled by a licensed healthcare provider and the use should be intermittent. 

Make sure you don’t start using any medication that is not prescribed by your healthcare provider. Some people are naturally sensitive to medications and there is literally no way to predict that. It’s best to stick to taking only as much as needed and only as long as your condition demands. 

What to do if you have accidentally taken Benadryl and NyQuil together?

If you have accidentally taken Benadryl and NyQuil together and you feel unusual, reach out to your doctor. I don’t recommend engaging in any activity that requires your full mental attention after taking these two meds together, like driving or operating heavy machinery. 

Although it’s not likely to get significantly affected after taking Benadryl and NyQuil together just once or twice. It’s the consistent use or misuse of these meds which can put your health at great risk, especially your mental health.

This is why you should avoid the use of two antihistamines. If you using a formulation like NyQuil and you are not sure what active ingredients are added to it, please read the label or ask your pharmacist. 

It is also recommended to not pair Benadryl with other sleep aids like Melatonin and prescription benzodiazepines like Xanax, Ativan, etc. 

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MedlinePlus. Diphenhydramine. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Oct 4]. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Doxylamine. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Oct 4]. Available from: