Can Lexapro make you lazy? 

Can Lexapro make you lazy? 

Lexapro can make you lazy, tired, and sleepy. Lexapro and other antidepressants may affect your energy levels during the early course of your treatment. However, these early side effects are usually expected to go away within 2-4 weeks of your treatment. 

Make sure you don’t engage in any activity that requires your full mental alertness after taking Lexapro. If it impairs your mental alertness and your productivity, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery. 

What does research suggest?

Several research studies link Lexapro with a lack of energy, laziness, or tiredness (1,2). These effects can vary from person to person, and not everyone experiences them.

Several studies have explored the effects of Lexapro on energy levels and motivation. While some individuals may report feeling less motivated or experiencing a decrease in energy, it is important to note that these effects are not universal and may vary.

It is also important to note that these side effects are generally mild and tend to improve over time as the body adjusts to the medication. If you are experiencing significant lethargy or laziness while taking Lexapro, it is advisable to discuss these symptoms with your healthcare provider.

What to do if Lexapro makes you lazy? 

There are a few things you can try if Lexapro makes you lazy and affects your daily activities. These include:

Consult your doctor 

The basic approach to dealing with side effects is to talk to your healthcare provider. Mild laziness or sleepiness can affect you during the early course of your treatment, but that’s nothing to be concerned about. It usually starts to get better within a few weeks. 

However, if Lexapro-induced tiredness is affecting the quality of your life and is severe, you need to address it. Your doctor may reduce your dose a little at first, especially if you are a new user. It does work in some cases, but not all. 

Take Lexapro at night

If the cause of your laziness is not Lexapro-induced insomnia, you can try to take your medication at bedtime. This way, you get lazy and sleepy at bedtime. 

This will help you fall asleep and will wake up with high energy levels. However, if you can’t sleep at night and this is what makes you lazy and tired, you should take Lexapro at bedtime. 

Have a cup of coffee

If Lexapro makes you lazy during the daytime, have a nice cup of coffee. Caffeine can help wake you up and increase your mental alertness and focus. (3)

This can overcome the low energy levels caused by Lexapro. However, make sure you don’t drink coffee after 4 pm, or else it’ll keep you awake at night. 

Do not drink alcohol while taking Lexapro 

Lexapro and alcohol are not a good combination and you should cut back on it. Alcohol has many side effects of its own and it also affects your mental alertness and energy levels. 

If you combine alcohol with Lexapro or any other antidepressant for that matter – it can impair your motor coordination and cause a number of other disturbing side effects. 

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Landy K, Rosani A, Estevez R. Escitalopram. 2022 Oct 24. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 32491666.


Ferguson JM. SSRI Antidepressant Medications: Adverse Effects and Tolerability. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2001 Feb;3(1):22-27. doi: 10.4088/pcc.v03n0105. PMID: 15014625; PMCID: PMC181155.


Butt MS, Sultan MT. Coffee and its consumption: benefits and risks. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2011 Apr;51(4):363-73. doi: 10.1080/10408390903586412. PMID: 21432699.

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