Can fluoxetine tablets be cut in half? (+3 concerns)

In this article, we are going to discuss whether it is possible to cut fluoxetine tablets in half, the purpose of cutting fluoxetine tablets in half, common risks and concerns about splitting fluoxetine tablets in half, and the alternatives to cutting fluoxetine tablets in half.

Can fluoxetine tablets be cut in half?

Yes, you can cut fluoxetine tablets in half, but only with your healthcare provider’s approval. There are many strengths of fluoxetine, and the strength can affect the size and form of the tablets. (1)

Certain fluoxetine tablets are scored, which makes it simpler and easier to cut them in half because they have a line down in the middle. You might need to use a sharp knife or a pill cutter to cut your tablets equally if they aren’t scored.

It is important to note that not all tablets can be divided in half, doing so may change how the drug is absorbed by the body and result in unfavorable side effects. Always heed the advice of your physician, and only break the tablets as directed.

What is the purpose of cutting fluoxetine tablets in half?

The purpose of cutting fluoxetine tablets in half is to reduce your medication dose. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant medication that is FDA-approved for the treatment of MDD (Major Depressive Disorder).

Fluoxetine belongs to the class of drugs known as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). It functions by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. (2)

The dosage of fluoxetine that is typically prescribed ranges from 10 mg to 60 mg, based on the severity of the ailment being treated and the patient’s reaction to the drug. An individual can take a smaller dose by dividing the tablet in half, which has several advantages such as: (3)

  • Reducing the possibility of adverse effects, which may occur frequently at larger doses.
  • Gradually reducing the dosage, which may be required to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
  • Determining the individual’s lowest effective dose, which can assist in cutting expenses and reduce the chance of adverse effects.

It’s crucial to remember that cutting fluoxetine tablets as well as other tablets that can be cut such as desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) and Trazodone should only be done under your healthcare provider’s supervision.

What are the common risks and concerns about cutting fluoxetine tablets?

There are common risks and concerns about splitting fluoxetine tablets in half. Examples include: (4), (5)

  • Dosage irregularities (uneven dosages) may arise by splitting the tablet, which could have unanticipated negative consequences or result in an inefficient course of treatment.
  • Cutting certain tablets could interfere with their ability to release the drug gradually.
  • Certain individuals may not adhere to taking fluoxetine as directed if they have trouble cutting the tablet regularly, such as patients with poor eyesight or tremors.
  • If the fluoxetine tablet is not cut precisely, certain individuals could unintentionally take more medication doses, which could have detrimental repercussions. 
  • Miscommunication between the pharmacist and your physician. For example, your physician might prescribe 1/2 fluoxetine pill to be taken, and your pharmacist may read it as 1-2 pills of fluoxetine.
  • You may face problems with crushed fluoxetine tablets if they turn into powder. It will be quite difficult to divide the fluoxetine powder into 2 equal halves.

Alternatives to cutting fluoxetine tablets

Here are some alternatives if you don’t feel comfortable about cutting your fluoxetine tablets:

  • Request fluoxetine in a liquid formulation from your healthcare provider or pharmacist. This makes it easier to measure the appropriate dosage of fluoxetine.
  • Consult your healthcare provider about the possibility of taking fluoxetine at a reduced dosage.
  • Consult your healthcare provider about switching your antidepressant to one that has similar functions as fluoxetine but comes in more convenient dosage forms.

Based on my knowledge and research, fluoxetine tablets can be cut in half. However, if you are not comfortable about cutting your fluoxetine tablet, consult your healthcare provider about reducing your dose or switching to an alternative with the desired concentration without the need to cut or split your fluoxetine tablet.







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MEDICATION GUIDE FLUOXETINE TABLETS [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 21]. Available from:


Fluoxetine: MedlinePlus Drug Information [Internet]. 2022. Available from:,and%20worry%20about%20these%20attacks).


Griffin RM. Pill Splitting: When Is It Safe? [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2023 Nov 21]. Available from:


Tips to Save Money on Prescription Drugs [Internet]. WebMD. Available from:

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