What is the best time to take Abilify? (11+ factors)

In this article, we aim to answer the query: “What is the best time to take Abilify?” Furthermore, we will discuss the related research findings, factors to consider when taking Abilify, benefits and drawbacks of taking Abilify in the morning or at night. 

What is the best time to take Abilify?

You can take Abilify once a day with or without food at any time, whether it’s in the morning or at night. However, it is important to take Abilify at the same time each day. Follow your doctor’s guidelines and do not change the timing, dosage, or skip any doses. 

If you forget to take a dose at the scheduled time, avoid taking an extra dose to make up for the missed one, as it can lead to side effects associated with overdose. Instead, if the time for your next dose is near, take the medication as per the schedule. 

Your doctor may start Abilify at a lower dose and increase it gradually, depending on your response to the medication. When you start taking Abilify, give it some time and observe your response to the medication. Abilify may take around two weeks to show its complete therapeutic benefit.

If you experience insomnia while taking Abilify, take it in the morning. If you experience sleepiness or tiredness, take it at night. Abilify is an atypical antipsychotic, approved by the FDA for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), major depressive disorder and Tourette syndrome. Abilify, also known as Aripiprazole, regulates dopamine and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters in the brain (1). 

What does research suggest?

A research study examined 12 patients with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS), who were experiencing difficulties in sleeping at the right time. They were given Abilify, often used for depression and schizophrenia, to monitor its effects on sleep problems.

It was found that the patients fell asleep and woke up earlier and also slept less at night. This study suggested that Abilify works by affecting dopamine, causing people to sleep less at night and wake up earlier (2). 

Another clinical study explored whether the time of drug administration affects the metabolic rate of Abilify. Researchers found that taking Abilify at night may affect insulin release and lead to changes in cholesterol levels.

Patients who took Abilify at night experienced low levels of good cholesterol (HDL), which can increase the risk of heart disease. However, more research is needed to understand how the time of drug administration affects Abilify’s metabolism (3).

What factors are to be considered when taking Abilify?

The factors that should be considered when taking Abilify may include: 

  • Abilify is a prescription drug and should only be taken if prescribed by your healthcare provider. 
  • If Abilify causes insomnia, take it in the morning; if it causes sedation, take it at night. 
  • Avoid driving if you have taken Abilify, as it can cause drowsiness. 
  • Abilify may cause drowsiness or fainting when getting up immediately from a lying position; get up slowly to avoid this. 
  • Inform the doctor of your family history or any medical conditions. 
  • Abilify is taken once a day, with or without food. 
  • Take Abilify exactly as prescribed by your doctor, and do not change its dose or timing yourself. 
  • If you have a missed dose, and the time of the next dose is near, do not take an extra dose to make up for the missed one. 
  • Take Abilify at the same time each day to maintain consistent blood levels for its optimum benefits. 
  • Regular monitoring should be done by your healthcare provider for the incidence of side effects. 
  • Inform your doctor if you are taking any other medicines or supplements. 
  • Be aware of the potential side effects when taking Abilify, such as nausea, dizziness, diarrhoea or constipation, abdominal pain, changes in appetite, confusion, headaches, acid reflux, or fatigue (4). 

What are the benefits and drawbacks of Abilify?

The benefits and drawbacks of taking Abilify in the morning or at night depend on individual factors. Not everyone may experience all the benefits or drawbacks of taking Abilify; however, some may experience the following effects:

When Abilify is taken in the morning:

When you take a morning dose of Abilify, you will have better absorption of the medicine and may experience increased alertness and improved mood throughout the day. However, if you experience sedation, then it may make you feel drowsy all day, and any other side effects will also be more noticeable during the daytime. 

When Abilify is taken at night:

When you take Abilify at night, you may experience better sleep due to its sedative effect. However, it may make you feel sleepy the next morning as well. Some patients may experience insomnia when taking Abilify at night and may also have increased HDL cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease (1). 

How to ensure the safe and effective use of Abilify?

To ensure the safe and effective use of Abilify, you should inform your doctor if you are:

  • Allergic to Abilify.
  • Taking any other medicines or herbal supplements. 
  • You have a family history or other medical condition. 
  • You are having surgery, including dental surgery. 
  • You are planning to do an exercise or be exposed to extreme weather, as Abilify makes it difficult for the body to cool down. 
  • Avoid driving when taking Abilify, as it causes drowsiness. 
  • Do not consume alcohol when taking Abilify (4). 


In my opinion, you may take Abilify in the morning or at night, depending on the side effects you may experience. Abilify is an antipsychotic, and your body takes some time to adjust to it and experience its full therapeutic effects.

However, the dosage and timing of administration must be decided by your healthcare provider, and you must adhere to your doctor’s guidelines. Be aware of the side effects of Abilify and if you experience any that worsen, please immediately inform your healthcare provider. 

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Omori Y, Kanbayashi T, Sagawa Y, Imanishi A, Tsutsui K, Takahashi Y, Takeshima M, Takaki M, Nishino S, Shimizu T. Low dose of aripiprazole advanced sleep rhythm and reduced nocturnal sleep time in the patients with delayed sleep phase syndrome: an open-labeled clinical observation. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018 May 18;14:1281-1286. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S158865. PMID: 29849459; PMCID: PMC5965391.Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5965391/


Chipchura DA, Freyberg Z, Edwards C, Leckband SG, McCarthy MJ. Does the Time of Drug Administration Alter the Metabolic Risk of Aripiprazole? Front Psychiatry. 2018 Oct 11;9:494. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00494. PMID: 30364286; PMCID: PMC6193090. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6193090/


Aripiprazole-MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [Last Revised – 09/15/2023]. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a603012.html