Does Abilify make you tired?

Does Abilify make you tired?

Abilify (Aripiprazole) may cause tiredness, sleepiness, and reduced mental alertness in some people. However, it is not considered a common side effect of this antipsychotic medication. 

In fact, Abilify is well known for causing insomnia and sleep disturbances in the majority of people and this is why most healthcare providers recommend taking this medication in the morning, instead of at night or bedtime. 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on tiredness caused by Abilify. However, research does show a possible link between tiredness and antipsychotics. Several studies have indicated that medications that can alter your brain chemistry, such as Abilify, can make you feel exhausted (1).

This generally happens to people who are new to medications like antipsychotics. They may feel tired, sleepy, not mentally alert, and a bit confused during the early course of their treatment. Abilify can also cause nausea and an overall feeling of sickness. However, these side effects get better with time, as the body adjusts. 

Should you be concerned about Abilify-induced tiredness?

Abilify-induced sleepiness is nothing to be concerned about, especially if you are new to this medication or antipsychotics in general. In most cases, the sleepiness caused by Abilify begins to go away within a few weeks of your treatment.

Some people may take longer to recover from the side effects, but they eventually do. 

What to do if Abilify-induced tiredness does not go away?

If you consistently feel tired, exhausted, and sleepy on Abilify, reach out to your healthcare provider as soon as you can. It is not a common concern related to this atypical antipsychotic medication and it is generally considered mild when it comes to causing tiredness. 

However, one medication can cause different side effects in different individuals. If Abilify continues to make you feel down, it might not be a good choice of medication for you. The best way to deal with it is to consult your doctor and not stop taking the medication abruptly. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 60795, Aripiprazole; [cited 2023 Jan 4]. Available from: