Does Wellbutrin SR make you sleepy? (3+ Effects)

In this article, we will talk about how Wellbutrin affects sleep. The research studies about Wellbutrin-induced sleep disorders. We will also discuss the mechanism behind Wellbutrin causing sleep problems along with managing strategies for sleep-related problems. 

Does Wellbutrin SR make you sleepy? 

Yes, Wellbutrin SR can make you sleepy. Wellbutrin (bupropion) can cause deep sleep in some individuals. (1) The effects of Wellbutrin on sleep are variable and person-specific. Wellbutrin is also said to cause sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, leg movement disorder, etc. 

Wellbutrin is primarily used to treat depression. Treating depression involves an increase in neurotransmitters that give you an overall feeling of well-being. Fluctuations in these neurotransmitters can cause changes in sleep patterns. 

If you notice a significant increase in your sleep pattern which is affecting your quality of life, consult your healthcare provider for proper guidance. The effect of Wellbutrin on sleep is variable across individuals, and may not necessarily be experienced by everyone.

What does the research say? 

A study done by Geoffrey et al. on the effect of bupropion on EEG sleep showed that Bupropion SR increased the rapid eye moment (REM) latency by approximately 40% along with REM density and REM activity during the first REM period. (2)

During the stage of REM sleep, individuals experience dreams. REM is when the eye movement is rapid and you dream. REM sleep can start with 10 minutes in the beginning and last up to 1 hour at the end of the cycle. (3)

A study done by Nofzinger et al. reported that antidepressant medication could improve REM sleep. (4) An improved REM sleep helps in overall quality of life. Wellbutrin can also cause sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, periodic limb movement and nightmares

What are the other sleep-related problems caused by Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin has been reported to cause sleep disorders such as periodic limb movement and sleepwalking. The occurrence and severity of Wellbutrin-induced sleep disorders can vary from person to person. 

Research studies have reported bupropion can cause vivid dreaming, nightmares and sleepwalking. A case report of a patient treated with Wellbutrin for his smoking addiction was reported where he complained of a sleepwalking episode after starting his treatment with Wellbutrin. (1)

A 15-year-old girl was being treated with Wellbutrin SR 100mg for her depressive symptoms, after which she experienced nightmares and vivid dreams, which usually take place during REM sleep. (5)

What is the mechanism behind Wellbutrin-induced sleepiness? 

Wellbutrin impact on sleep is linked with the effect of its action on dopamine receptors and noradrenergic mechanism (2) Wellbutrin is an aminoketone antidepressant, which inhibits norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake receptors, hence increasing their level in the brain. 

Wellbutrin is said to cause an increase in REM sleep at the beginning of the sleep cycle. The sleep cycle includes stages which start with light sleep, deeper sleep, and deepest non-REM sleep followed by  REM sleep.

It is during REM sleep that you can dream and experience nightmares. An increase in REM sleep can cause increased nightmares and vivid dreams. REM sleep is associated with irregular movements of the eyes. It is more difficult to wake a person during REM sleep. The brain is highly active during REM sleep and can increase brain metabolism by up to 20%.

How do you manage sleep problems while taking Wellbutrin? 

Several factors can contribute to the pattern of sleep and influence the quality of sleep. 

  • Having an abnormal sleep schedule can affect your sleep pattern. Maintain a proper sleep pattern and follow a routine where you go to bed at the same time every day.
  • Substances such as heavy meals, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine close to bedtime will increase your alertness and impact your sleep. Avoid such substances a few hours before bedtime.
  • Limit your exposure to blue light radiated by phones, TV screens and computers, as it can increase your wakefulness and disrupt your sleep.
  • Maintain a peaceful environment during your sleep.
  • If you are feeling drowsy during the day, switch the medication at night, to avoid daytime sleepiness. 
  • Set up a sleep schedule where you wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. 
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage stress. Consider cognitive behavioural therapy for your mental illnesses. 
  • Consult your physician if you notice any unusual symptoms while taking Wellbutrin. 
  • Don’t stop taking the medication suddenly just because you are experiencing side effects. Some of the side effects can be treated by simply adjusting the dose.


In my perspective as a pharmacist, Wellbutrin can help you sleep. However, there are a few side effects associated with Wellbutrin, which can disrupt your sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or experience excessive sleepiness, consult your physician for proper management. 

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Nofzinger EA, Reynolds 3rd CF, Thase ME, Frank E, Jennings JR, Fasiczka AL, Sullivan LR, Kupfer DJ. REM sleep enhancement by bupropion in depressed men. The American journal of psychiatry. 1995 Feb 1;152(2):274-6. Available from:


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