Does Wellbutrin help stop smoking weed? (3+ strategies)

In this article, we will discuss whether Wellbutrin helps in the cessation of smoking weed. We will also discuss some research studies and approaches to quit smoking weed.

Does Wellbutrin help stop smoking weed?

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) can help stop smoking weed (marijuana). However, the efficacy of Wellbutrin in addressing marijuana dependence may vary from person to person.

Wellbutrin is a prescription medication primarily used to treat depression and to help people quit smoking tobacco. While it is not specifically approved for quitting marijuana or weed, some people have reported using it to reduce their use of cannabis (marijuana). 

The mechanisms by which Wellbutrin may help with quitting smoking, tobacco or otherwise, are not fully understood but it is believed to work by affecting certain neurotransmitters in the brain (1).

If you are trying to quit smoking weed and are considering using Wellbutrin, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your specific situation and help determine whether Wellbutrin is an appropriate option for you.

Additionally, it is important to address the psychological and behavioural aspects of cannabis use in conjunction with any medication to increase your chances of successfully quitting.

What does research suggest?

There are several research studies indicating the use of Bupropion for smoking cessation. One study suggested that Bupropion could be a helpful option for alleviating certain withdrawal symptoms that arise when individuals stop using marijuana regularly (2).

Notable differences were observed in Bupropion-treated people reducing withdrawal discomfort and cravings. Although these findings are preliminary, they offer promising indications regarding the potential use of Bupropion as a medication to manage marijuana withdrawal (2).

Another study indicated that attention-improving properties of Bupropion play a significant role in its positive effects as a treatment for smoking addiction and the misuse of other substances (3)

Further research should explore the impact of Wellbutrin and D-amphetamine on attention in various groups, including healthy individuals, smokers, and individuals who use other drugs (3).

One study stated that Bupropion’s effectiveness in treating tobacco addiction likely arises from its impact on dopamine and nor-adrenaline systems, potentially through blocking nicotinic effects. Its primary benefits are likely seen during the withdrawal phase of quitting smoking, and it has not shown significant effectiveness in reducing nicotine intake before the cessation process begins (4).

Always consider your healthcare provider before using Welbutrin as it is also associated with certain side effects such as anger, anxiety, irritability, and headache.

What are the other approaches to quit smoking weed?

There are several approaches to help quit smoking weed, other than using medications like Bupropion. Here are some alternatives:

Counselling and therapy

Behavioural therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and motivational enhancement therapy (MET) can be effective in addressing the psychological aspects of marijuana addiction.

These therapies can help you develop coping strategies and identify triggers for your marijuana use. Joining support groups or attending group therapy sessions can provide you with a sense of community and encouragement from people who are going through similar experiences.

Meditation and healthy lifestyle

Practising mindfulness and meditation can help you become more aware of your cravings and triggers. It can also provide relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety.

Regular exercise, physical activity and maintaining a healthy diet can help improve mood and overall well-being, making it easier to quit using marijuana.

Prescription medications

While Bupropion is one option, other medications like Naltrexone or Dornabinol can be considered in some cases.

Naltrexone is associated with treating opioid and alcohol addiction by blocking the effects of these substances in the brain. Dronabinol, on the other hand, a synthetic form of THC, may help some individuals quit smoking weed by reducing withdrawal symptoms like cravings and anxiety (5,6).

Always consult your healthcare provider to determine if these are suitable for you.

Seek professional help

If you find it difficult to quit marijuana use on your own, consider seeking professional help from addiction specialists, counsellors or addiction treatment centres. 

Remember that quitting weed use, like quitting any substance, can be challenging, and it may require multiple strategies and support systems.


The use of Wellbutrin for quitting smoking weed is not well-established, as it is primarily approved for tobacco cessation. While some individuals have reported success in using Wellbutrin to reduce cannabis use, it is not specifically designed or approved for this purpose. 

Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. 




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