Does Wellbutrin affect breast milk supply? (3 precautions)

In this article, we will answer “Does Wellbutrin affect breast milk supply?” We will also discuss some health tips to enhance breast milk supply while taking Wellbutrin.

Does Wellbutrin affect breast milk supply?

Yes, Wellbutrin can affect breast milk supply, resulting in a slight reduction for some mothers. However, this effect is typically not prominent and can be easily managed. (1)

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is commonly prescribed for depression, anxiety and mood disorders.

Wellbutrin is generally regarded as safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Only a minimal amount of bupropion is excreted into breast milk, and studies have not indicated significant adverse effects on infants.  (1,2)

Breastfeeding is the foundation of early infant nutrition and maternal bonding. The impact of Wellbutrin on breast milk supply is a valid concern

What does research suggest?

Studies suggest that for some breastfeeding mothers, Wellbutrin may lead to a slight decrease in milk supply. It’s not a common side effect, and not everyone faces this. (1)

Regarding the amount of Wellbutrin in breast milk, research shows that doses up to 300 mg daily in mothers result in low levels in their breast milk. These levels are generally considered safe and are not likely to harm the baby. 

This means that if you’re exclusively breastfeeding and taking Wellbutrin, your baby gets only a tiny fraction of the medication through your milk. (2)

The research consistently shows that most breastfed infants tolerate Wellbutrin well, and negative effects are rare. This indicates that most nursing mothers can confidently continue their medication regimen if they follow their healthcare provider’s guidance. (1,2,3)

Precautions for lactating mothers taking Wellbutrin

If you are breastfeeding while taking Wellbutrin, here are some precautions to help you avoid any adverse events.

Talk to your doctor

If you’re lactating and taking Wellbutrin, it’s a good idea to consult your healthcare provider. This conversation is all about understanding the benefits of Wellbutrin for you and making sure it’s safe for your baby. 

Your healthcare provider can guide you on whether Wellbutrin is the right choice or suggest alternatives. They’ll also help you manage concerns about how it might affect your breast milk.

Monitor your baby for side effects

If your baby is exposed to Wellbutrin, watching for any potential side effects is important. Pay attention to signs like vomiting, diarrhoea, jitteriness, or sedation. 

Also, keep an eye on things like your baby being fussy, not wanting to eat, or not gaining weight as expected. If you see anything concerning, like seizures or if your baby is unusually sleepy, contact your baby’s healthcare provider immediately. (3)

Take Wellbutrin after breastfeeding

To reduce how much of the medication gets into your baby’s system through breast milk, here’s a practical tip: take Wellbutrin right after you’ve finished breastfeeding. 

This helps reduce the amount of Wellbutrin your baby might get. It’s a simple step that can help balance your medication needs and your baby’s safety.

How to enhance breast milk supply while taking Wellbutrin?

If you’re taking Wellbutrin while breastfeeding, you might have concerns about your milk supply. As mentioned earlier, Wellbutrin can slightly decrease milk production, but it’s easily manageable.

Here are some natural ways to enhance your milk supply. (4)

Feed frequently

Breastfeeding your baby 8-12 times a day maintains a healthy milk supply. It’s not just about the frequency but also about allowing your baby to determine when they are satisfied. This approach encourages a natural and sustainable milk production pattern.

Pump between feeding

Besides regular breastfeeding, consider pumping between feedings when you have extra milk or if your baby has missed a feeding. This extra stimulation can help signal your body that more milk is needed. This enhances your overall supply.

Use both sides to feed

Switching sides during each feeding session can promote balanced milk production. Both breasts contribute to your baby’s nourishment, and alternating between them ensures that both receive ample stimulation.

Add nutritious food to your diet

Incorporating nutrient-rich foods like oats, fennel, fenugreek, and protein sources in your diet can provide your body with the essential building blocks for milk production. 

These foods can naturally boost your milk supply and provide vital nutrients for your baby’s growth. Avoid large amounts of coffee while taking Wellbutrin.

Maintain hydration

Staying well-hydrated is a fundamental aspect of successful breastfeeding. In addition to water, herbal teas like fennel and fenugreek can complement your hydration efforts and improve milk production. These natural remedies have been used for generations to support lactating mothers.


In summary, Wellbutrin may slightly reduce breast milk supply in some mothers, but this effect is typically manageable and not prominent. Wellbutrin is considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with minimal amounts transferred to breast milk. Consult a healthcare provider for guidance for breastfeeding mothers using this medication.

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