Does Viibryd have a long half-life? (+3 pros and cons)

In this article, we will discuss the half-life of Viibrryd. We will further discuss the impact of the half-life on Viibryd’s efficacy and effectiveness.  Furthermore, we will look at how the half-life of Viibryd affects the functionality of the liver and kidneys. 

Does Viibryd have a long half-life? 

Yes, Viibryd has a long half-life. The half-life of Viibryd is approximately 25 hours which means it takes 25 hours for the concentration of Viibryd in the blood to be reduced by half. 

Viibryd (vilazodone) is an antidepressant medication that enhances the levels of serotonin by selectively inhibiting its reuptake in the brain. Viibryd is a potent and selective reuptake inhibitor of serotonin. It is approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder (1). 

The half-life of a drug is a concept regarding its elimination. Half-life refers to the reduction of drug concentration by half of its starting dose in the body. The half-life of a drug helps in determining excretion rates and steady-state concentration (2). 

In simpler words, it can be stated that after one half-life of a drug, 50% of the initially administered drug is removed from the body. Different drugs have different half-lives (2). 

However, the half-life of Vibryd is considered a long half-life as compared to other antidepressant medications. The longer the half-life, the longer the stay of the drug inside the body (2). 

How does Viibryd’s half-life influence its effectiveness?

The effectiveness of Viiibryd is affected by its half-life. Due to the longer half-life of Viibryd, there are fewer requirements for its frequent dosing. This results in steady blood levels achieved in a longer time leading to consistent drug levels in the blood. 

Due to its longer half-life, there is a lower chance of getting withdrawal effects if a dose is missed. This may reduce the likelihood of developing withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation of Viibryd. 

What are some pros and cons of Viibryd’s half-life?

Following are some pros and cons of  Viibryd’s half-life:

Pros of Viibryd’s half-life Cons of Viibryd’s half-life
Reduced dosing frequency. Slow onset of action.
Steady drug levels in the blood.  Less flexibility in dosing adjustments. 
Reduced risk of withdrawal effects. Increased risk of drug accumulation.

However, it is important to understand that patient compliance with medication is important. Patients taking Viibryd must adhere to the dosage, frequency, and timing that their doctor has provided. 

Which factors are influenced by Viibryd’s half-life?

The following factors are influenced by Viibryd’s half-life:

  • Dosing- Due to the longer half-life of Viibryd, there is no need for frequent dosing because the drug remains in the body for a longer time.


  • Age- Age also has a profound effect on drug metabolism and elimination. Older patients taking Viibryd may metabolize it slowly as compared to younger individuals. 


  • Genetic factors- Any genetic defects or problems particularly in the CYP mechanism can alter Viibryd’s half-life and can prolong or shorten its metabolism. 


  • Metabolism- Viibryd is primarily metabolized by the liver. Genetic variations in the cytochrome P450 system can lead to changes in its metabolism causing alterations in Viibryd’s half-life. 


  • Liver function- The liver is the primary organ for the metabolisation of Viibryd. Any sort of liver impairment can lead to an alteration in Viibryd’s half-life.


  • Kidney function- Similarly, kidneys play a major role in eliminating Viibryd. If the kidney function is impaired, it may affect the clearance of Viibryd from the body, resulting in an altered half-life. 


  • Individual patient variability- Different patients respond differently to the medication depending upon various factors such as lifestyle, genetic factors, and overall health. 

In my opinion

In my opinion as a pharmacist, it can be concluded that Viibryd has a long half-life which indicates its longer stay in the body. Therefore, Viibryd usually requires once-daily dosing due to its long half-life. 

However, patients taking Viibryd must always follow their doctor’s prescription. Any dosage adjustments or potential interactions must always be discussed with their healthcare provider. 

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Cruz, Martin P. “Vilazodone HCl (Viibryd): A Serotonin Partial Agonist and Reuptake Inhibitor For the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder.” Pharmacy and Therapeutics 37, no. 1 (2011): 28-31. Accessed January 18, 2024.


Hallare J, Gerriets V. Half Life. [Updated 2023 Jun 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

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