What is the best time to take Viibryd? (+3 facts)

In this article, we will discuss whether Viibryd can be taken in the morning or at night time. We will further dig deep into the factors that are impacted by the timings of Viibryd. Furthermore, we will also look into the ways to choose the best time for taking Viibryd. 

What is the best time to take Viibryd?

There is no specific time to take Viibryd. The choice of taking Viibryd either in the morning or at night varies from person to person. You must always take Viibryd at a time prescribed by your doctor. 

Viibryd is an antidepressant medication that selectively inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, resulting in increased serotonergic activity in the brain. Viibryd is an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of major depressive disorder(1). 

Some patients prefer taking Viibryd in the morning to avoid potential sleep disturbances while others prefer taking it at night time. The timing of Viibryd is not specific and can be taken either in the morning or night time depending upon your health condition and your doctor’s prescription. 

However, it is important that you take Viibryd under your doctor’s guidance and strictly follow the timing that your doctor has prescribed. If you have any concerns or side effects depending on the timing of Viibryd, discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist to change medication timing. 

How does the timing of Viibryd affect you?

The timing of Viibryd may have profound effects on some individuals while some patients may not be affected at all. Therefore, it is important to talk about your concerns with your healthcare provider before starting Viibryd treatment. 

Taking Viibryd in the morning

Viibryd can be taken in the morning if it causes sleep disturbances at night. You may take Viibryd in the morning for an energy boost and to avoid sleeplessness during nighttime. 

Taking Viibryd in the morning with a meal is preferred as it enhances the absorption and bioavailability of this drug. Taking Viibryd without a meal may cause gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps in some individuals (2). 

Taking Viibryd at night

Sleep disorders are common with the administration of antidepressants. Some patients taking antidepressants suffer from excessive sleepiness while some face extreme sleeplessness depending upon individual patient factors and medication side effects. 

Viibryd is commonly associated with causing insomnia or sleeplessness. Some research studies have also concluded that insomnia is caused by Viiryd even at doses lower than therapeutic doses (3).

Therefore, if you are taking Viibryd and facing sleep disturbances, particularly insomnia, then you must inform your doctor and avoid taking Viibryd at night. Your doctor must prescribe you to take Viibryd in the morning to avoid nighttime sleeplessness.   

What factors can be influenced by the timing of Viibryd?

The following factors may be influenced by the timing of Viibryd:

  • Consistency- You must consider taking Viibryd at the same time each day to maintain its levels in the body. These consistent levels of Viibryd may help achieve optimal therapeutic levels. 


  • Sleep disturbances- Viibryd may cause sleep disturbances in some patients. If you experience severe insomnia due to Viibryd then discuss with your doctor about changing your medication timing. 


  • Gastrointestinal side effects- Some patients may have gastrointestinal side effects while taking Viibryd. However, it is recommended to take Viibryd along with a meal to avoid potential gastrointestinal side effects. 


  • Individual patient variation- Each patient responds differently to medications. However, your doctor may adjust your medication timing based on your response to minimize side effects due to Viibryd.  


  • Concomitant Medication- Always discuss with your doctor about your history of medication starting new treatment to avoid potential interactions and adverse effects. 

How to ensure the safe use of Viibryd?

To ensure the safe and effective use of Viibryd, you must closely monitor and observe yourself for side effects. If you have excessive side effects and no improvement in your health, then you must consult your healthcare provider. 

You must prefer taking Viibryd along with a meal. It is generally recommended to take Viibryd with food to increase absorption and bioavailability and to reduce gastrointestinal side effects. 

You must avoid consuming alcohol while taking Viibryd. Taking alcohol with Viibryd may interact with its mechanism and absorption and result in potential adversities. 

Your doctor must monitor you for serotonin syndrome. However, it is a rare condition but may occur while being on Viibryd due to its mechanism of action. Serotonin syndrome is characterized by fever, nausea, confusion, hallucination, and rapid heartbeat. You must seek medical help if you have such side effects (4). 

You must regularly go for follow-up checkups with your healthcare provider to keep a thorough look at your symptoms and side effects. This may help in keeping track of your health improvement. 

However, if you face side effects while being on Viibryd, you must talk to your doctor for a dosage or medication change but do not abruptly stop taking Viibryd as it may cause withdrawal symptoms. 

In my opinion

In my opinion as a pharmacist, you must follow your doctor’s prescription for taking Viibryd. Always discuss your health concerns, and medical and medication history with your doctor, so that they may prescribe you Viibryd at a time that suits you well without causing excessive side effects. 

There is potentially no harm in taking Viibryd in the morning or at night time. However, if the timing is affecting your routine then you must discuss with your doctor for a change in administration timing of Viibryd. 

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Cruz, Martin P. “Vilazodone HCl (Viibryd): A Serotonin Partial Agonist and Reuptake Inhibitor For the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder.” Pharmacy and Therapeutics 37, no. 1 (2011): 28-31. Accessed January 13, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3278186/.


Citrome L. Vilazodone for major depressive disorder: a systematic review of the efficacy and safety profile for this newly approved antidepressant – what is the number needed to treat, number needed to harm and likelihood to be helped or harmed? Int J Clin Pract. 2012 Apr;66(4):356-68. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2011.02885.x. Epub 2012 Jan 29. PMID: 22284853. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22284853/


Vilazodone for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: Focusing on Its Clinical Studies and Mechanism of Action
Psychiatry Investig. 2015;12(2):155-163. Published online March 18, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4306/pi.2015.12.2.155


Simon LV, Keenaghan M. Serotonin Syndrome. [Updated 2023 Jul 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482377/

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