Does Luvox-induced insomnia go away? (+3 findings)

In this article, we will discuss whether or not Luvox-induced insomnia resolves, how Luvox can disrupt sleep patterns and quality,  and an overview of studies or known evidence linking Luvox to insomnia.

We will also discuss the potential causes or factors that may contribute to insomnia while taking Luvox, various strategies and tips to manage insomnia symptoms while taking Luvox, and what to do if Luvox-induced insomnia persists.

Does Luvox-induced insomnia go away?

Yes, Luvox-induced insomnia usually goes away after a few weeks of starting the medication. Insomnia is one of the common side effects of using Luvox, particularly for patients who are new to Luvox or any other antidepressant. (1)

When your body becomes adjusted to Luvox, the symptoms of insomnia start to fade away after a few weeks of using Luvox. If the symptom persists for longer than four weeks after starting Luvox, contact your healthcare provider.

How can Luvox induce insomnia?

Luvoc can induce insomnia as a result of its mechanism of action and effects on specific brain neurotransmitters or chemicals. Luvox is the brand name for the antidepressant fluvoxamine, which is a member of the SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) pharmacological class. (1)

Luvox functions by raising serotonin levels in the brain, which may promote more alertness and waking. It could be more difficult as a result to get to sleep and can cause insomnia.

If you experience insomnia while taking Luvox, consult your healthcare provider about reducing your dose and following useful lifestyle changes or treatments to help reduce Luvox-induced insomnia.

What does research suggest?

A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of fluvoxamine (Luvox) on the sleep architecture of depression patients suffering from insomnia.

In this 8-week controlled trial, 23 depressed patients with insomnia completed the trial. Each participant was given fluvoxamine for a period of eight weeks.

The research concluded that during the course of the eight-week study, fluvoxamine simultaneously enhanced polysomnography (PSG) parameters and reduced reports of insomnia. (2)

Conversely, further studies have demonstrated that SSRIs such as fluvoxamine and fluoxetine resulted in disturbed sleep (Prolonged REM latency). However, every person reacts to medications differently. (3)

Get in touch with your healthcare practitioner if you experience insomnia while taking Luvox so they can ascertain the cause and recommend the appropriate course of action.

How does Luvox affect sleep?

Luvox can affect sleep and lead to decreased REM sleep (the stage where you deeply fall asleep and dream). (4)

Decreased sleep quality may lead to:

Enhanced wakefulness: Luvox may increase wakefulness and make falling asleep harder, which can interfere with sleep cycles.

Decreased deep sleep: Using Luvox can shorten the duration of deep rejuvenating sleep, which can result in less restful sleep.

Increased frequency of awakenings: Using Luvox may increase the frequency of nighttime awakenings, which may make it more difficult to fall back asleep.

Daytime tiredness and sleepiness: Sleep disturbances can cause daytime tiredness and sleepiness.

What factors may contribute to Luvox-induced insomnia?

Several factors may contribute to Luvox-induced insomnia such as: (5), (6)

Medication dose: High Luvox doses can increase the likelihood of insomnia.

Underlying medical conditions: Sleep disorders, heart problems, and mental health conditions can induce insomnia while taking Luvox.

Concomitant medications: Certain medications such as antiepileptic drugs and steroids can induce insomnia.

Lifestyle habits: Smoking, caffeine, recreational drugs, or alcohol can induce insomnia while taking Luvox.

Stress is one of the main factors of inducing insomnia while taking Luvox.

Age and sex: Insomnia worsens as people get older. Women experience insomnia more than men due to their hormonal changes.

How to manage insomnia while taking Luvox?

There are several tips and strategies that can help manage insomnia while taking Luvox such as: (1), (7)

  • Take Luvox in the morning as soon as you wake up. The severity of insomnia can be reduced by taking Luvox in the morning instead of before sleeping.
  • Make your bedroom conducive to rest by keeping it quiet, cool, and dark.
  • Steer clear of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. While alcohol can help you fall asleep more easily, it can also make your sleep light.
  • Discover fresh approaches to stress relief such as taking a hot bath, reading a book, or practicing stress-relieving exercises such as yoga and meditation.
  • Steer clear of several OTC (over-the-counter) and prescription medications that interfere with sleep such as antihistamines. Consult your healthcare provider about suitable medications that won’t keep you awake at night.

What to do if Luvox-induced insomnia persists?

If Luvox-induced insomnia persists, contact your healthcare provider. They might reduce your medication dose or switch you to alternatives that don’t cause insomnia such as:

Mirtazapine: Sold under the brand name Remeron. Remeron is an atypical antidepressant and is well-known for its sedative effect. Therefore, it can help patients suffering from insomnia. (8)

Trazodone: Sold under the brand name Desyrl. It can be used as a sedative in addition to its antidepressant properties. (9)

Based on my knowledge and research, Luvox-induced insomnia fades away after a few weeks of taking the medication. However, if Luvox-induced insomnia persists, consult your healthcare provider about reducing your medication dose or switching to an alternative with fewer adverse events.

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McCrae CS, Lichstein KL. Secondary insomnia: diagnostic challenges and intervention opportunities. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2001 Feb;5(1):47–61. Available from:


Wilson SJ, Bell C, Coupland NJ, Nutt DJ. Sleep changes during long-term treatment of depression with fluvoxamine – a home-based study. Psychopharmacology. 2000 May 12;149(4):360–5. Available from:


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