Does Luvox cause fatigue? (5+ tips)

In this article, we will discuss how Luvox may cause fatigue in the individuals taking it. We will discuss the mechanism behind Luvox-induced fatigue, research studies, and tips for managing fatigue.

Does Luvox cause fatigue? 

Yes, Luvox might induce fatigue as a side effect in people taking it. It is important to note that various people react differently to therapy. Some individuals may experience less fatigue than others which is why is important to keep your doctor updated on your situation. (1)

Luvox-induced fatigue may be caused by insomnia and somnolence associated with Luvox therapy. As with other SSRIs, this might occur during the initial stages of the treatment. However, after a particular amount of time, this side effect is likely to get better. (1)

What is the link between Luvox and fatigue?

Luvox works by increasing the levels of serotonin, which helps regulate mood and treats mental health conditions. However, serotonin is also essential for sleep because it stimulates the synthesis of melatonin, which is important in the regulation of the sleep cycle. (2)

Serotonin is also responsible for maintaining the sleep cycle stages. This implies that variations in serotonin levels at the beginning of Luvox therapy might produce sleep disturbances that can lead to fatigue. (2)

What does research suggest?

A study looked at the effect of Luvox on nighttime sleep and found that Luvox disturbed sleep continuity during the night. This might indicate that a disrupted night’s sleep can result in fatigue during the day. (3)

Another research investigated the role of Luvox in causing circadian rhythm sleep disorder (CRSD) in patients taking it. It revealed that the patients did not have sleep disturbances prior to therapy with Luvox and that these disturbances began after initiating the therapy with Luvox. (4)

Also, after decreasing the dose of Luvox and in some cases discontinuing medication, sleep difficulties resolved. In two of four clinical trials, using melatonin 5mg/day with Luvox returned the sleep-wake cycles to normal. (4)

What is the importance of consulting your doctor?

It is important to consult your doctor so that they can provide you with recommendations after evaluating your medical history and level of fatigue. They might help you by adjusting your Luvox dose, such as prescribing a divided dose or a lower dose. (5)

There can be a number of other reasons for fatigue, such as lifestyle choices or other medicines. Your healthcare practitioner can assist you in identifying any relevant factors contributing to fatigue other than Luvox. This will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of your treatment. (5)

Your doctor can also help you by exploring and suggesting treatment alternatives that can be as effective as Luvox but less likely to cause fatigue. You should also have follow-up consultations with your doctor so that Luvox-induced fatigue can be monitored. (5)

Are there any tips to manage Luvox-induced fatigue?

The following tips can be helpful in managing Luvox-induced fatigue: (5,6)

Timing of medication

Luvox-induced fatigue might get better if you take the drug at a different time. You can discuss this with your doctor, and they may advise you to switch the timing of your medicine from day to nighttime. This can help you in having a better sleep during the night and as a result, you will not feel drowsy during the day.

Better sleep environment

You should evaluate your sleep habits so that you can have a better sleep pattern. It is important to focus on your sleep hygiene by making your room sleep-friendly. Avoid screen time before going to bed, and make sure your room is quiet, dark, and comfy.

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost but caffeinated drinks should be avoided before bedtime since they might disturb your sleep. It is preferable to drink water instead and stay hydrated throughout the day as dehydration can increase fatigue.

Avoid alcohol and other medications

You should avoid taking drugs like other SSRIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and other antidepressants unless prescribed by your doctor as they can interact with Luvox and increase the side effects. It is also advised to avoid alcohol with Luvox as it can lead to increased fatigue and drowsiness. 

Healthy diet 

You should have a healthy diet that includes a balanced portion of carbs, proteins, and unsaturated fats. Your body needs energy to carry out all the essential functions and to stay active. This is only possible if you have a good diet with meals planned at the proper time. 

Meditation and yoga

It is important to practice relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation as they can help with mental as well as physical fatigue. You should find the relaxation technique that works best for you and integrate it into your daily life. 

In my opinion, you should monitor Luvox-induced fatigue and report it to your doctor so that they may advise you according to the intensity of the fatigue. You should try to manage fatigue by making changes to your lifestyle such as improving your sleep, incorporating yoga or meditation into your routine, and having a healthy diet. 

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