Does Lisinopril cause stomach bloating? 

Does Lisinopril cause stomach bloating? 

Lisinopril does not generally cause stomach bloating, but it may cause this side effect in some individuals. It’s normal to feel your stomach a little affected when you first start with a new medication. 

However, bloating on Lisinopril is still not that common. If your stomach starts to bloat after using this medication for a while, there might be something else causing this. 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on Lisinopril-induced bloating, as it is not a common side effect of this medication. Bloating is generally common in a lot of people, which may or may not get more intense because of Lisinopril. 

However, Lisinopril can cause some rare side effects that may appear as bloating. A 2001 research review indicated that Lisinopril can lead to intestinal blocking, which can result in abdominal angioedema (1). 

In simple words, this condition causes fluids to accumulate in your abdomen, which then appears bloated. That’s not actually stomach gases making your belly look bigger, but fluid retention. 

This is why it is best to report your side effects to your healthcare provider. Occasional bloating is usually nothing to be worried about, but if your stomach is significantly growing in size, it is important to consult your provider. 

What to do if your stomach starts to bloat while taking Lisinopril? 

Reach out to your healthcare provider if your stomach starts to bloat while taking Lisinopril. As I discussed in the previous section, edema with Lisinopril is a bad side effect, which should be managed right away. Although it’s not that common, it can significantly affect your health. 

If you notice your stomach getting larger significantly, you might have fluid retention in your abdomen. In some cases, Lisinopril also makes you gain weight by increasing your water/fluid weight. 

Lisinopril is a frequently prescribed antihypertensive medication because it’s the first line of therapy for managing blood pressure. It’s important to monitor your side effects and report them to your doctor. 

If they are manageable with a few interventions, your doctor will. However, some people may not generally do well on Lisinopril. If that’s the case with you, your doctor will most likely switch you to another antihypertensive, as there are plenty of other classes of these meds available. 

Make sure you don’t take a higher-than-prescribed dose of Lisinopril or take it more often, as doing so may cause symptoms associated with Lisinopril overdose. If your symptoms persist or the drug causes side effects, please consult your healthcare provider. 

It is also important to report side effects that are unusual or not common with Lisinopril, like allergic reactions, urinary side effects, etc.

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Oudit G, Girgrah N, Allard J. ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the intestine: Case report, incidence, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. Can J Gastroenterol. 2001 Dec;15(12):827-32. doi: 10.1155/2001/247816. PMID: 11773949. Available from: