Does Lisinopril cause mood changes? (3+ side effects that can affect mood)

In this article, we will discuss potential mood disturbances caused by Lisinopril, a medication used to manage high blood pressure. We will also discuss some factors that may affect your mood while taking this medication and what one should do if this side effect occurs.

Does Lisinopril cause mood changes?

No, Lisinopril does not generally cause mood changes. It is not known for psychological side effects and is generally tolerated well by its users (1). Some antihypertensive medications are associated with mood changes, but it’s not a commonly reported issue for Lisinopril.

However, it’s important to remember that medications can affect individuals differently, and what one person experiences might not be the same for another.

This is why it is important to talk to your healthcare provider about all the side effects you’re experiencing. Your doctor can help mitigate the side effects to make your treatment more comfortable for you. 

What does research suggest?

Research studies have not generally linked Lisinopril with mood changes. One research review discussed a rare case of Lisinopril-induced mania (2,3). The researchers did not find much against the medication and not a single case of mania has been reported after that one case.

Furthermore, some research reviews have discussed the use of Lisinopril as an adjuvant in the treatment of depression (3). This indicates that Lisinopril is not commonly related to mood changes.

Different people have different factors affecting their health, and they may lead to unique or rare side effects in people. 

What factors can affect your mood while taking Lisinopril?

There are several factors that may trigger mood changes while taking Lisinopril. These include:

Side effects of Lisinopril

Lisinopril can indirectly affect your mood by causing some side effects. Some of the side effects that can potentially lead to mood disturbances include (1):

  • Dizziness – feeling dizzy can be quite unsettling and impact your daily life. It might make it harder to perform tasks or go about your usual activities. This can cause mood changes.
  • Headache – persistent headaches can be frustrating and interfere with your regular routine. 
  • Dry cough – a persistent dry cough can disrupt your sleep and lead to irritation. Sleep disturbances and ongoing discomfort can certainly influence how you feel throughout the day.

Lisinopril can also cause some rare and serious side effects, like abdominal angioedema, that may only appear as bloating at first but could lead to complications as the treatment continues. The drug can also cause kidney damage in some people. 

Underlying mood disorders

Some individuals taking Lisinopril might experience mood disturbances, not because of the medication but because of an underlying mood disorder. In such a case, it’s important to consult your doctor to rule out any undiagnosed affective disorder (4). 

Individual responses to medication

As discussed earlier, each person’s body chemistry is unique, which means how they respond to medications like Lisinopril can vary. Some individuals might experience mood changes due to their specific physiological makeup. 

What to do if you’re experiencing mood changes while taking Lisinopril?

Talk to your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing mood changes while taking Lisinopril. Your doctor will help determine the exact cause of your mood changes and will recommend the best possible solution to help make you feel better.

It is also important to consult a mental health professional if you have a history of mood disorders or if your mood changes are severe. Lisinopril is not generally associated with mood changes and your doctor will discuss other factors with you.

Just make sure you don’t stop taking the medication on your own, especially if you have coronary artery disease, as stopping the medication can put such people at a higher risk of heart attacks.

If your doctor believes that Lisinopril is not the best choice of medication for you, he/she will safely switch you to an alternative medication. Just don’t make any changes to your prescription without consulting your doctor first.


In this article, we have discussed the potential mood changes associated with Lisinopril use. We have also discussed some factors that can trigger mood changes with taking this antihypertensive and what you should do if you experience this side effect.

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