Does Fluvoxamine cause night sweats? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will discuss Fluvoxamine-indicated night sweats. We will also discuss some research studies, potential treatment options and what one should do if this side effect occurs.

Does Fluvoxamine cause night sweats?

Yes, Fluvoxamine can cause night sweats or excessive sweating in general. This side effect commonly occurs in people who are new to Fluvoxamine or antidepressants in general. 

Those who take antidepressants in the morning experience daytime sweating and those who take them at night experience nighttime sweating.

Fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), is an antidepressant used to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression (1). The excessive sweating induced by Fluvoxamine is generally expected to go away within a few weeks of your treatment as your body adjusts to the medication, but it may not go away in some people.

It is important to note that excessive sweating whether it is night sweats, sweaty hands or just sweating more than usual, can be associated with many antidepressants, not just Fluvoxamine. These include Sertraline, Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Effexor etc.

However, it is crucial to recognize that individual responses to medications vary greatly. Not everyone who takes Fluvoxamine or other antidepressants will experience these side effects. 

Always keep the lines of communication open with your healthcare provider to ensure your medication is working well for you and that any side effects are appropriately addressed.

What does research suggest?

There is limited study on night sweats caused by Fluvoxamine. However, several studies have discussed sweating associated with antidepressants in general.

One study indicated that SSRIs might cause night sweats in people, particularly older adults (2).

One study aimed to explore the connection between night sweats and commonly prescribed medications. Out of all participants, 9.2% reported experiencing night sweats. Factors like age, gender and body mass index did not seem to have a strong link to night sweats.

However, when they adjusted for age and gender, they found SSRIs, angiotensin receptor blockers and thyroid hormone supplements were the medications most associated with night sweats (3).

How does Fluvoxamine cause night sweats?

Fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is commonly used for treating mood disorders. Although night sweats are not a universal side effect of Fluvoxamine, they can occur as a result of the medication’s effect on serotonin levels. 

The exact mechanism by which Fluvoxamine reduces night sweats is not exactly known. However, it is believed that serotonin plays a role in regulating body temperature, and changes in serotonin levels may affect the body’s thermoregulation process. This change or disruption in temperature regulation can cause symptoms such as night sweats or excessive sweating (1).

What factors can lead to night sweats while taking Fluvoxamine?

Night sweats due to Fluvoxamine can be attributed to several factors, such as:

Individual variation

People respond differently to medication, and some people may be more prone to side effects like night sweats than others.

Dose and duration

Higher doses and longer duration of use may increase the risk of experiencing this side effect.


The interaction between Fluvoxamine and other medications and substances you are taking can influence the likelihood of night sweats.

Coexisting medical condition

Underlying medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalances or menopause, can also contribute to night sweats.

Adjustment period

Night sweats can sometimes occur during the adjustment period when starting, stopping or changing the dosage of Fluvoxamine.

If night sweats due to Fluvoxamine become bothersome, it is essential to reach out to your healthcare provider.

What are the possible treatments for Fluvoxamine-induced sweating?

The following medications can be used to reduce the excessive sweating induced by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors:

  • Benzotropine (4)
  • Terazosin (5)
  • Cyproheptadine (6)

However, it is important to use them carefully and only when there are no contraindications.

Are there alternatives to Fluvoxamine that do not cause night sweats?

Several other classes of antidepressants can be considered as an alternative to Fluvoxamine, including:

Tricyclic antidepressants:

  • Amitriptyline
  • Nortriptyline

Atypical antidepressants:

  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
  • Mirtazapine

However, it is important to note that these medications have their own set of potential side effects, and not all individuals will experience the same reaction. Your healthcare provider will consider your individual history and other factors when determining the most appropriate medication for you.

What to do if Fluvoxamine-induced night sweats persist?

If Fluvoxamine-induced sweating persists, inform your healthcare provider. They may reduce the dose initially. Research studies suggest that dose reduction might help in reducing antidepressant-induced sweating (7).

However, if dose reduction does not work, your doctor may gradually discontinue your medication or switch to another antidepressant with fewer side effects.

It is crucial to follow your doctor’s guidance and stop taking the medication abruptly. Working together with your healthcare provider will help find the best solution to manage any side effects and ensure your overall well-being.


Based on my experience and the information available, I can say that Fluvoxamine can indeed lead to night sweats as a side effect. However, individual responses to medications can vary.

If you are experiencing this side effect, discuss it with your healthcare provider to explore the potential solution.



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