Can Effexor cause night sweats? 

Can Effexor cause night sweats? 

Effexor (Venlafaxine) can cause night sweats in some people, especially those who are new to Effexor or antidepressants in general. Sweating is a common side effect of antidepressants, but it is more frequently observed in people taking Sertraline and Venlafaxine. 

Those who take this antidepressant in the morning experience daytime sweating, and those who take it at night report night sweats. 

This side effect of Effexor is generally expected to go away within a few weeks of your treatment as your body adjusts to the medication, but it may not go away in some people. 

Every individual is different and responds differently to medications. If Effexor-induced night sweats affect your health or cause insomnia, talk to your healthcare provider. 

Other antidepressants, especially SSRIs like Celexa, Zoloft, Prozac, etc can also cause night sweats.

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on night sweats caused specifically by Effexor, but antidepressants are known to cause this side effect in general. The exact mechanism through which these meds trigger excessive sweating is not fully known. 

However, researchers have indicated that the way these meds work could be the actual cause. Effexor (Venlafaxine) inhibits the reuptake of two monoamine neurotransmitters – serotonin and norepinephrine. 

These chemicals,  when available in higher than usual amounts, can affect the hypothalamus –  an important part of your brain that regulates your body temperature.

Hypothalamus also controls your ability to sweat. Experts believe that antidepressants can increase your body temperature, as a result of which your body starts to sweat in order to release all the extra heat. 

What to do if Effexor causes night sweats? 

Talk to your doctor if Effexor causes unbearable night sweats. Although it goes away with time, it may persist in some cases. Your doctor may ask you to take Effexor in the morning if you’re currently taking it at night. 

This may help make your nighttime a little less trouble for you, but it may still cause excessive sweating in the daytime. Your doctor may also try dose reduction if you’re new to Effexor, to help your body adjust to the antidepressant. 

In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe Terazosin, an alpha-1 adrenergic antagonist, to control Effexor-induced sweating (1). However, it’s important to take the right dosage strength of this medication if used for that purpose.

A study published in the Journal of Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience indicated that Benztropine can help reduce the intensity of excessive sweating caused specifically by antidepressants (2). The exact dose was not stated, but it’s recommended to take the medication as needed.

Make sure you report your side effects to your healthcare provider and don’t start taking any medication with Effexor without consulting your doctor first. 

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Mago R, Thase ME, Rovner BW. Antidepressant-induced excessive sweating: clinical features and treatment with terazosin. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2013 Aug;25(3):186-92. Epub 2013 May 1. PMID: 23638448. Available from:


Kolli V, Ramaswamy S. Improvement of antidepressant-induced sweating with as-required benztropine. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2013 Nov;10(11-12):10-1. PMID: 24563813; PMCID: PMC3931183. Available from:

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