Does Cymbalta make you bruise easily? (2+ factors)

In this article, we will discuss whether Cymbalta can cause easy bruising, how Cymbalta causes easy bruising, what research suggests, what factors can contribute to bruising induced by Cymbalta, and what to do if you experience this side effect.

Does Cymbalta make you bruise easily?

Yes, easy bruising is a risk associated with the use of Cymbalta, and individual responses to this medication can vary. Cymbalta (duloxetine), which belongs to the class of serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), is a commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and certain chronic pain conditions.

However, some users have experienced increased bruising while taking Cymbalta. It’s essential to understand that not everyone will experience this side effect, and various factors may influence its occurrence. (1)

It is important that you report any unusual symptoms to your healthcare provider so that proper measures can be taken. 

How does Cymbalta cause easy bruising?

The precise mechanism by which Cymbalta might cause easy bruising is not fully understood. While the primary focus of Cymbalta is mental health, the influence on serotonin levels may impact platelet aggregation, clotting factors, and vessel integrity, potentially contributing to easier bruising in some individuals. (2)

What does research suggest?

While there is no direct research on the bruising and bleeding caused by Cymbalta, research suggests that some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like citalopram and some SNRIs like Pristiq, may have anticoagulant effects, potentially affecting platelet function and clotting factors, leading to increased bleeding and bruising.

A 2016 case report published in The Journal of Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders indicated that some SNRIs, like venlafaxine, may impact platelet function and clotting factors, but no cases of Cymbalta-induced abnormal bruising or bleeding have been reported. (3)

Another case report published in the European Journal of Hematology indicated that venlafaxine caused bruising in a patient. Due to its impact on serotonin, it affects platelet aggregation and causes excessive bleeding and bruising. (4)

One study reported liver injury with the use of Cymbalta (duloxetine) (5). Liver injury can also cause easy bruising in people suffering from it.

Many published case reports indicate that SNRIs are linked to easy bruising. However, more research is needed to establish a direct link between Cymbalta and easy bruising.

What is the incidence of bruising caused by Cymbalta?

In clinical trials, 29435 patients were treated with Cymbalta, of which 30.4% took it for six months and 14.7% took it for at least one year. And 1/1000 reported bruising while being treated with Cymbalta.

What factors can contribute to bruising induced by Cymbalta?

Several factors can contribute to increased bruising while being treated with Cymbalta. These factors include:

  • Individual factors: People react differently to medications, and some may be more prone to experiencing side effects, including bruising induced by Cymbalta. Genetic factors and individual pharmacodynamics can also play a role in increased bruising.


  • Increased serotonin levels: Cymbalta is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). Increased serotonin, in addition to regulating mood, also affects blood clotting. The increased serotonin levels may impact platelet function and the coagulation pathway, potentially leading to increased bruising.


  • Interaction with other medications: Cymbalta can interact with other medications and increase the risk of bruising. Concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or anticoagulants may increase the likelihood of bruising.


  • Underlying health conditions: Pre-existing health conditions can contribute to Cymbalta-induced bruising. Individuals with bleeding disorders, impaired liver function, vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, or other conditions affecting blood clotting mechanisms may be more likely to experience this side effect.


  • Age and fragility: Age can also play a role in increased bruising. Senior adults may have thinner skin and lower collagen levels, making them more susceptible to bruising.


  • Duration of use: Long-term use of Cymbalta may increase the probability of side effects, including bruising. The effect of Cymbalta on blood clotting mechanisms over a long period may contribute to the occurrence of this side effect.

What to do if you experience bruising induced by Cymbalta?

If you are experiencing any side effects from Cymbalta, you should talk to your healthcare provider. Your doctor will assess the severity of your symptoms and take appropriate measures according to your needs.

  • Dosage adjustment: Your doctor may consider adjusting the dosage of Cymbalta. Dose reduction can alleviate unwanted symptoms while still providing therapeutic effects. However, any adjustments should be made by your healthcare professional.


  • Alternative: If bruising persists or worsens, your healthcare provider can explore alternative antidepressants and may consider prescribing a different class of drugs with a lower chance of causing bruising.


  • Treating underlying health conditions: Bruising may be exacerbated by underlying health conditions. Treating these health conditions may help alleviate the symptoms of bruising.


  • Monitoring: Regular health monitoring, including blood tests, should be done to check for clotting factors to address the causative factor of bruising.


  • Reviewing concomitant medications: If you are taking other medications besides Cymbalta, your healthcare provider may review the combination of drugs to check for interactions contributing to bruising.


According to my knowledge, there is no conclusive evidence directly linking Cymbalta to bruising, but patients reporting this side effect cannot be neglected. So, it’s essential to talk to your healthcare provider about any unwanted symptoms that you are experiencing. Your doctor will assess your symptoms and tailor a treatment plan according to your needs.

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Cymbalta, a prescribing guide by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration,


Duloxetine, Bleeding, Jenna Lyndly, R.N., Safety Evaluator, Division of Drug Risk Evaluation (DDRE)


Carpenter, J. E., Fombi, J., Udoka, O., & Holder-Perkins, V. (2016). Venlafaxine-Induced Bruising: A Case Report. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 18(3).


Sarma A, Horne MK 3rd. Venlafaxine-induced ecchymoses and impaired platelet aggregation. Eur J Haematol. 2006 Dec;77(6):533-7. doi: 10.1111/j.0902-4441.2006.t01-1-EJH2919.x. Epub 2006 Sep 15. PMID: 16978240.


Kang, G., Park, M., Lee, J., & Yoon, B. (2011). Duloxetine-Induced Liver Injury in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Psychiatry Investigation, 8(3), 269-271.

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