Does Citalopram have long-term effects? (+5 effects)

In this article, we will discuss the long-term effects of citalopram and the potential benefits and risks associated with the long-term use of citalopram. Further, we will discuss the management of the side effects of long-term use of citalopram.

Does Citalopram have long-term effects?

Yes, Citalopram does have long-term effects. Long-term use of Celexa (citalopram) can have both positive and negative effects, which should be carefully monitored by a healthcare provider. It’s essential to understand that individual experiences may vary.

Citalopram is an SSRI antidepressant drug, that works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. It is primarily prescribed for treating and managing major depressive disorder, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and their associated symptoms (1).

Citalopram is prescribed for a duration of 6 months to a year. Citalopram therapy is continued even after your symptoms have improved, for several more months. Medical professionals widely advise maintaining antidepressant treatment for this period. Prematurely discontinuing the medication before this recommended timeframe may significantly increase the risk of depression relapse (2). 

What are the positive effects of long-term use of Citalopram?

The long-term use of Citalopram is associated with both positive and negative effects. Your healthcare provider decides the optimum duration of treatment that is more beneficial for you. The positive effects associated with the long-term use of citalopram may include:

Maintenance of mental health

Continuing to take citalopram as prescribed over an extended period can help maintain the improved mental health of individuals with conditions like depression and anxiety over the long term. It may prevent the recurrence of symptoms associated with depression or anxiety disorders.

 Improved Quality of Life

Long-term use of citalopram can enhance an individual’s overall quality of life by managing and alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety for a long period of time. This may lead to better social relationships, work performance, and daily functioning

Prevention of Relapse

The long-term use of Citalopram may decrease the likelihood of relapses or recurring episodes of depression or anxiety, providing stability and consistency in mood. Furthermore, by preventing relapses, long-term Celexa use ensures sustained improvement in overall well-being (3).

However, the specific benefits and duration of treatment may vary from person to person and should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

What are the negative effects of long-term use of Citalopram?

Long-term use of Citalopram is also associated with some potential negative effects such as;

Reduced efficacy 

Over time, some individuals may experience a reduction in the effectiveness of Celexa. This is often due to various factors, including changes in the brain’s chemistry and the body’s natural adaptability.

When this occurs, healthcare providers might consider adjusting the dosage, switching to a different medication, or using additional treatments to manage the condition effectively.

Withdrawal Symptoms 

Discontinuing citalopram after long-term use can result in withdrawal symptoms for some individuals. These can include dizziness, irritability, and flu-like symptoms. Tapering the medication under medical supervision is often recommended to minimize these effects.

Upon prolonged and consistent usage of citalopram, withdrawal effects are likely to emerge within 1-2 days after the last dose. Abruptly discontinuing citalopram is inadvisable as the resulting withdrawal symptoms can be severe, potentially necessitating hospitalization for safety. It is wiser to follow a structured tapering plan to facilitate a smoother transition.

Side Effects

Long-term use of citalopram may lead to rare side effects in some individuals, such as, (5)

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Weight changes
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Hyponatremia
  • Emotional instability
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Irregular heartbeats

However, the frequency and severity of these side effects may vary from person to person. It’s essential to collaborate closely with your healthcare provider to ensure the best possible treatment while managing any long-term effects.

What are the other potential side effects of Celexa?

The other potential side effects associated with the use of citalopram may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • dry mouth
  • insomnia
  • night sweats
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness

Citalopram can also cause more serious conditions like serotonin syndrome, particularly when combined with certain other medications. Serotonin syndrome may have symptoms like a rapid heart rate, pronounced dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, restlessness, agitation, muscle spasms, and in some cases, seizures (4).

How to prevent and manage the long-term effects of Citalopram?

The long-term side effects associated with citalopram can be prevented and managed effectively by following these recommendations:

Regular Checkups: Schedule routine appointments with your healthcare provider for monitoring and addressing potential side effects.

Medication Review: Periodically review your medication with your provider, considering dosage adjustments or alternative treatments.

Individualized Treatment: Collaborate with your healthcare provider to create a personalized treatment plan, ensuring the best care while managing side effects. Keep in mind that Celexa’s effectiveness and side effects can vary, so open communication with your provider is crucial to tailor your treatment effectively.

Self-Monitoring: Maintain a journal to track any concerning changes or side effects, discussing them with your healthcare provider.

Diet and Exercise: Prioritize a balanced diet and exercise to manage weight changes associated with long-term Celexa use.

Remember that the effectiveness and side effects of citalopram can vary from person to person. It’s essential to collaborate closely with your healthcare provider to ensure the best possible treatment while managing any long-term effects.


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