Does Citalopram cause shakiness? (3+ case reports)

This article delves into the question: Does citalopram cause shakiness? We will explore scientific evidence to provide insights into this query and offer actionable steps to take if you experience shakiness when taking citalopram.

Does Citalopram cause shakiness?

Yes, citalopram can lead to shakiness. Shakiness is a common side effect of many antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like citalopram. (1)

The intensity of these tremors can vary from person to person and often depends on the dosage. These tremors occur because citalopram increases serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is an excitatory neurotransmitter that helps improve mood.

It’s worth noting that while tremors are a known side effect, not everyone experiences them.

What does research suggest?

Tremors and shaking are known side effects of citalopram. Several studies and case reports have suggested a potential connection between citalopram use and the emergence of tremors.

In one case, a patient developed titubation and essential tremor during citalopram treatment. The authors suggest that citalopram might have triggered these tremors and advocate for vigilant monitoring by healthcare providers when prescribing this medication. (2)

Another report involved a patient who experienced dystonic rabbit syndrome, characterised by head and neck tremors after taking citalopram. This suggests a potential connection between citalopram and the onset of these tremors. (3)

A case series highlighted 9 patients who developed tremors on citalopram. Healthcare providers were advised to monitor for such side effects when prescribing Citalopram. (4)

Another case described a patient who developed parkinsonism, similar to Parkinson’s disease, while on citalopram. This suggests a potential association between citalopram use and parkinsonism, highlighting the significance of monitoring for movement disorders when prescribing the medication. (5)

Who is more susceptible to Citalopram-induced shakiness?

Some people are at higher risk of experiencing citalopram-induced tremors or shakiness.

Here are some factors that can potentiate the risk of developing tremors while taking Citalopram. (6)

  • Polypharmacy: Those taking multiple medications in addition to citalopram may have an increased risk of developing tremors. Interactions between medications can sometimes lead to side effects, including tremors.
  • Older Age: Older adults may be more susceptible to citalopram-induced tremors, as they can be more sensitive to medication side effects. Monitoring is particularly important in this age group.
  • High Dose: Taking citalopram at higher doses may elevate the risk of developing tremors. Dose-dependent side effects are common and more pronounced
  • Chronic Use: Individuals on citalopram for an extended period are more likely to experience side effects, including tremors. Prolonged exposure to the medication increases the risk.
  • Overdose: Taking citalopram in excessive amounts can lead to severe side effects, including tremors. It is crucial to use this medication as prescribed to minimise the risk of overdose.
  • Underlying Movement Disorders: People who already have movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease or other similar conditions, may be more susceptible to tremors triggered by citalopram. The medication can potentially exacerbate existing movement problems.

What to do if citalopram causes shakiness?

If you experience shakiness as a side effect of citalopram, it’s essential to take the following steps for effective management:

Contact your doctor

The first and most crucial step is to get in touch with your healthcare provider. They can assess your condition, adjust your dosage, or review your prescription to address the shakiness. They may shift you to some other antidepressants that do not cause tremors.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol can interact with citalopram and worsen side effects, including shakiness. It’s wise to minimise or eliminate alcohol consumption while taking this medication. Reducing your intake of caffeinated beverages can help manage the side effects, including shakiness, associated with citalopram.

Don’t stop Citalopram abruptly

It’s vital not to abruptly discontinue citalopram, as this may worsen withdrawal symptoms, including shakiness. If you wish to discontinue the medication, consult your healthcare provider for a safe and gradual tapering plan.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A balanced diet, regular exercise, and staying well-hydrated can contribute to your overall well-being and potentially help manage side effects. A healthy lifestyle can complement your treatment plan.


In conclusion, shakiness is a side effect of citalopram, particularly as it is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This side effect is relatively common and should be considered when using the medication. Consulting your healthcare provider for guidance and monitoring is vital when dealing with this potential side effect.

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