Does Citalopram cause emotional side effects? (+3 steps)

In this brief article, we will discuss Citalopram-induced emotional side effects. In addition, we will discuss some ways that can help improve Citalopram’s emotional side effects.

Does Citalopram cause emotional side effects?

Yes, Citalopram can have both emotional and physical side effects. However, it is important to note that not everyone will experience these side effects, and their severity can vary from person to person. Additionally, some people may experience no side effects at all.

Emotional side effects such as emotional numbness, changes in libido (sex drive), increased anxiety, agitation, mood swings and suicidal thoughts can be caused.

According to research, Citalopram and other antidepressants such as dapoxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline and paroxetine can potentially affect a person’s mood and emotions in several ways (1).

How common are emotional side effects with Citalopram?

Many researches found that antidepressants including Citalopram are associated with emotional side effects. One of the researches conducted on 669 adults who took antidepressants for three months to manage depression.

The study showed that the prevalence of emotional symptoms was higher in people who responded to antidepressants and continued using these medications for long-term treatment. There were 46% of the individuals experienced emotional symptoms, among these individuals, 52 were on Citalopram (2).

The exact cause of emotional side effects in antidepressant treatment is a challenging issue, with some experts even questioning whether emotional blunting is a side effect of antidepressants or possibly a partial failure of the medication itself.

The disruption in the balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine is considered a potential trigger for these effects, especially in individuals with underlying hormonal deficiencies. However, definitive conclusions to this complex issue require further research and investigation.

Common and rare emotional side effects of Citalopram

Citalopram, like many medications, can lead to a range of emotional side effects, which can vary from person to person. Here, we will explore both common and less common emotional side effects of citalopram:

Common emotional side effects:

  • Emotional numbness: a reduced ability to feel strong emotions, both positive and negative.
  • Changes in libido: changes in sex drive including difficulty in erection, delayed ejaculation or difficulty in reaching orgasm.
  • Increased anxiety or agitation.

Less common emotional side effects:

  • Mood swings or emotional changes including feelings of irritability, sadness or unexpected euphoria.
  • Suicidal thoughts: it is essential to monitor for this potentially severe side effect, particularly in young adults.
  • Depersonalization: characterised by feeling detached from oneself or one’s emotions.
  • Apathy: this can manifest as a reduced interest in activities and emotions (3).

It is important to note that the severity of these emotional side effects can vary widely.

Taking steps to improve emotional well-being while on Citalopram

Some steps can be taken to improve emotional well-being while on Citalopram. These include:

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Incorporating regular exercise can stimulate the release of serotonin and improve mood. Additionally, making dietary improvements and avoiding alcohol, which can depress mood, can be beneficial.
  • Inquire about medication adjustments: If you are experiencing emotional blunting, your healthcare provider may consider reducing your medication dosage or transitioning you to a different antidepressant. They might also explore the possibility of adding other medications to counteract emotional side effects.
  • Collaborate with your therapist to explore methods for enhancing your mood: Your condition may have both psychological and pharmaceutical aspects, so working with a therapist can help address these aspects effectively.

If you discover that emotional side effects are too distressing for you, it is crucial to avoid discontinuing your treatment without first consulting your physician.

Taking this step without professional guidance may result in a return of depressive symptoms or potentially induce adverse effects, including anxiety, restlessness and sleep disturbances.


In this article, we acknowledged the potential emotional side effects associated with taking Citalopram and discussed what they entail. However, it is important to recognise that Citalopram can be a valuable drug in managing certain mental health conditions.

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Goodwin GM, Price J, De Bodinat C, Laredo J. Emotional blunting with antidepressant treatments: A survey among depressed patients. J Affect Disord. 2017 Oct 15;221:31-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.05.048. Epub 2017 Jun 6. PMID: 28628765.


Marazziti D, Mucci F, Tripodi B, Carbone MG, Muscarella A, Falaschi V, Baroni S. Emotional Blunting, Cognitive Impairment, Bone Fractures, and Bleeding as Possible Side Effects of Long-Term Use of SSRIs. Clin Neuropsychiatry. 2019 Apr;16(2):75-85. PMID: 34908941; PMCID: PMC8650205.

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