Does Citalopram cause bowel problems? (3+ recommendations)

This article will discuss how Citalopram causes bowel problems as one of its usual side effects, along with some recommendations on managing these side effects and what to do if problems in bowel movement persist.

Does Citalopram cause bowel problems?

Yes, Citalopram can cause bowel problems, such as diarrhoea (frequent loose or watery stools), and constipation (infrequent bowel movement). Citalopram, sold under the brand name Celexa, is one of the antidepressants that are likely to cause digestive side effects (1).

What is the link between Citalopram and bowel problems?

The link between Citalopram and bowel problems primarily revolves around the medication’s influence on altering the levels of serotonin in the body.

Citalopram belongs to the class of antidepressants called Selective Serotonin Inhibitors (SSRIs) which are known to cause side effects involving the digestive system (2). This may be attributed to how these drugs work by elevating the serotonin levels in the body to reduce the symptoms of depression (3).

However, the increased levels of serotonin may also cause some unwanted side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and changes in bowel movement (4).

How does Citalopram cause bowel problems?

Citalopram causes bowel problems due to its effect on increasing the serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin does not only affect the brain but also the digestive system. It acts on the gut through the serotonin receptors found in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract (5).

An increase in its levels causes more serotonin to interact with the stomach. Depending on the receptor to which it binds, serotonin can cause either an increase or decrease in intestinal motility (6), which causes either diarrhoea or constipation to those using Citalopram.

What bowel problems are associated with using Citalopram?

The bowel problems usually associated with taking Citalopram include diarrhoea and constipation (7). In a clinical trial performed for a brand of Citalopram, diarrhoea commonly occurred in patients during the treatment, and only a few patients reportedly experienced constipation (8).

How to manage bowel problems associated with Citalopram?

If you are experiencing either diarrhoea or constipation while you are taking Citalopram, the following recommendations may help you manage the said side effects:

  • Stay hydrated. Ensure that you are drinking adequate fluids to prevent dehydration caused by diarrhoea.
  • Have a healthy diet. Make sure to have a balanced diet, including foods that are rich in fibre to help regulate your bowel movement.
  • Regular exercise. Doing physical activities regularly can help improve your digestion and reduce constipation.
  • Use of other medications. Your doctor may prescribe other medications to help manage bowel problems. An antidiarrhoeal medicine, such as Loperamide and Diphenoxylate, may be used for diarrhoea, and laxatives, such as Psyllium and Bisacodyl, may be prescribed to address constipation.
  • Take medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Follow your doctor’s instructions on how to take your medications. Do not make any changes to your medication regimen without consulting your doctor.

What to do if bowel problems persist while using Citalopram?

If you are experiencing persistent bowel problems while taking Citalopram, consult your healthcare provider immediately. Your doctor may recommend either adjusting your dosage or switching to a different medication depending on your body’s response to the drug.

Some side effects, such as changes in bowel movement, may also subside as your body adjusts to the medication.

Do not immediately stop taking the medication – discontinuation or any changes in your medications should be done under the supervision of your doctor upon their assessment of your condition.


In this article, we discussed how Citalopram and other SSRIs cause side effects that mainly affect the digestive system such as diarrhoea and constipation.

Some recommendations for managing these side effects caused by Citalopram as well as how to handle persistent bowel problems while taking the said medication were also mentioned.

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