Does Citalopram cause back pain? (5 tips for back health)

This article will comprehensively answer a common question: Does Citalopram cause back pain? We will explore other factors that could contribute to back pain and offer some practical tips for relief.

Does Citalopram cause back pain?

Citalopram can cause back pain but chances are very low. Back pain is listed as a rare and uncommon side effect of Citalopram. (1)

Individual responses to Citalopram can vary significantly, and what one experiences may not apply to others.

Therefore, while back pain may be listed as a possible side effect, the likelihood of experiencing it should not deter individuals from considering Citalopram for depression and anxiety.

What does research suggest?

Research suggests that Citalopram may be linked to decreased bone mineral density. This can potentially elevate the risk of osteoporotic fractures, particularly when bone density becomes notably low. 

Such fractures or collapses in the spine can result in back pain, contributing to discomfort and musculoskeletal issues including back pain. (2,3,4)

While back pain is not a prevalent side effect of Citalopram, it remains a possibility. Furthermore, Citalopram can induce other side effects, such as muscle or joint pain. These additional side effects might indirectly contribute to the sensation of back pain or exacerbate existing discomfort. (1)

Back pain can originate because of other reasons that are unrelated to Citalopram use. These encompass underlying medical conditions such as arthritis, poor posture, lack of physical activity, and excessive body weight.

 Identifying and addressing these underlying health concerns is crucial when determining the cause of back pain. (4)

Individuals dealing with depression and other psychological conditions may experience physical symptoms, including back pain and joint discomfort. This can further complicate the assessment of the origin of back pain. (5)

What to do if Citalopram is causing back pain?

If you suspect that Citalopram is causing you back pain, it’s essential to take the following steps

Consult your healthcare provider

Reaching out to your healthcare provider or prescribing physician as soon as possible is essential if you suspect that Citalopram is causing your back pain. Describe your symptoms, including the type and intensity of the back pain, as well as when it started and any other associated symptoms.

Assessment and medication review

Your healthcare provider will assess your condition thoroughly. This may involve a physical examination and a review of your medical history. They will also evaluate your current medications, including Citalopram.

Depending on their findings, they may consider adjusting your dose, switching to an alternative medication, or discontinuing Citalopram if they suspect it’s the cause of your back pain.

Pain management and alternative treatments

Depending on the severity of your back pain, your healthcare provider may recommend pain management strategies. This can include exercise, physical therapy, and hot or cold compress. 

If Citalopram proves unsuitable for you due to back pain or other side effects, your healthcare provider may explore alternative medications or therapeutic approaches for managing your condition.

Avoid taking over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac etc as they can increase the risk of bleeding when taken with SSRIs like Sertraline and Citalopram.

How to manage and prevent back pain while taking Citalopram?

To ensure a healthy back while taking Citalopram, consider these practical tips:

  • Maintain proper sitting and standing posture, and use chairs with lumbar support. Avoid prolonged slouching.
  • Incorporate core-strengthening activities like yoga or swimming. Consult a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise regimen.
  • Utilise ergonomic chairs and keyboard setups to minimise strain. Adjust computer monitors to eye level and take regular breaks for stretching and movement.
  • Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity to reduce back strain. Ensure a calcium-rich diet.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects, but if you have to, use proper lifting techniques. Bend at the knees and involve leg muscles, especially when lifting heavy objects.

In conclusion, experiencing back pain while taking Citalopram is highly unlikely, as it is a rare side effect. 

However, if you encounter back pain while using this medication, you must consult your healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation. 

Your well-being is paramount, and your healthcare provider can provide personalised guidance and address any potential issues appropriately.

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